Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with Willy the day of the race?
(a) His eye is swollen shut.
(b) He has frostbite on his second finger of his left hand.
(c) He has a fever and a sore throat.
(d) He is throwing up.

2. Why can Searchlight not sleep the night before the big race?
(a) Because Searchlight has a sore paw.
(b) Because Searchlight never sleeps well.
(c) Because when Willy does not sleep well, Searchlight does not sleep well.
(d) Because Willy is moaning and the noise keeps Searchlight awake.

3. In what state is the reservation that Stone Fox's people live on now?
(a) Wyoming.
(b) Arizona.
(c) New Mexico.
(d) Utah.

4. How much does the crowd bet on little Willy and Searchlight to win the race?
(a) Not one cent.
(b) $100.
(c) $50.
(d) $10.

5. Which of the following reasons is NOT a reason the townspeople think that Stone Fox will probably win the race?
(a) Because he has a beautiful team of dogs.
(b) Because he is big, strong, and powerful.
(c) Because he has never lost a race.
(d) Because they see him practice thousands of times in the week before the race.

6. What does Grandfather do when Willy asks him if they should sell the farm?
(a) Grandfather eagerly shakes his head yes.
(b) Grandfather does nothing, not even hand signals.
(c) Grandfather pulls the blankets over his head.
(d) Grandfather violently shakes his head no.

7. How many miles does the dogsled race cover?
(a) 5 miles.
(b) 50 miles.
(c) 10 miles.
(d) 20 miles.

8. When the dog sled teams line up to start the race, who is in the middle?
(a) Stone Fox and the Samoyeds.
(b) Hank and his hounds.
(c) Little Willy and Searchlight.
(d) Dusty and his dogs.

9. What does Doc Smith tell Willy about the race in Chapter 7?
(a) That she is going to place a big bet on him and Searchlight.
(b) That she is worried he will be injured and wants him to take a first-aid kit.
(c) That she can give him some medicine to help him stay warm during the race.
(d) That she will be rooting for him and wants him to win.

10. What does Stone Fox do with the money he earns from winning races?
(a) He gets enough food and supplies for him and his dogs to get through the winter.
(b) He buys back land in Utah for his people.
(c) He buys more dogs.
(d) He purchases turquoise jewelry.

11. Which of the following statements does Mayor Smiley NOT say to Willy?
(a) "You must be funning, boy."
(b) "You don't stand a chance of winning."
(c) "This is not a race for amateurs."
(d) "I believe in you, son."

12. How much is the entrance fee for the dogsled race?
(a) $10.
(b) $25.
(c) $100.
(d) $50.

13. Who is the president of the bank?
(a) Mr. Foster.
(b) Lester.
(c) Dusty.
(d) Mr. Smiley.

14. How many dogs does Stone Fox use to pull his sled?
(a) 4.
(b) 5.
(c) 12.
(d) 9.

15. What color are Stone Fox's Samoyeds?
(a) Spotted.
(b) White.
(c) Black.
(d) Brown.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Willy says hello to Stone Fox, what does Stone Fox do?

2. In what month is the dogsled held?

3. How does Willy make Mr. Foster give him the money from his college account?

4. What does Dusty do right before the race?

5. What does Clifford Snyder do right before the race?

(see the answer keys)

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