The Stone Diaries Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Diaries Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Daisy wants to be seen as what sort of person?
(a) Mysterious.
(b) Average.
(c) Loving.
(d) Selfish.

2. Before she dies, Daisy spends hours doing what?
(a) Explaining her history to her children.
(b) Foretelling what will happen after her death.
(c) Rambling about nothing in particular.
(d) Apologizing to friends and family.

3. It will be revealed to Daisy's children that Daisy's first husband died where?
(a) Paris.
(b) New York.
(c) Chicago.
(d) London.

4. Much of what Daisy has left for her family is what?
(a) Clearly documented.
(b) Property.
(c) A riddle.
(d) Money.

5. Who disappears, after Cuyler's death?
(a) Maria.
(b) Hope.
(c) Magnus.
(d) Warren.

6. Magnus was a local celebrity for being able to recite what, word for word?
(a) the Constitution.
(b) Moby Dick.
(c) Jane Eyre.
(d) the Declaration of Independence.

7. By the end of the chapter, it is indicated that Daisy was but is no longer doing what for friends and family?
(a) Taking them in as borders.
(b) Writing to them.
(c) Cooking for them.
(d) Taking them on vacation.

8. It will be revealed to Daisy's children that Daisy's first husband died by jumping from a what?
(a) Window.
(b) Bridge.
(c) Roof.
(d) Train.

9. What is the title of chapter 9?
(a) Illness and Decline.
(b) Pain and Death.
(c) Pain and Decline.
(d) Illness and Death.

10. Which of the following aren't among the lists in chapter 10: addresses at which she lived, her favorite recipes, and grocery lists.
(a) Addresses where Daisy lived.
(b) Favorite board games.
(c) Grocery lists.
(d) Favorite recipes.

11. During the trip, Victoria begins to feel what for her professor?
(a) Hatred.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Love.

12. Why does another writer take over Daisy's column?
(a) Daisy is on vacation.
(b) Daisy is pregnant.
(c) Daisy is ill.
(d) Daisy is caring for a sick relative.

13. The final chapter is filled with what emotion from Daisy?
(a) Jealousy.
(b) Regret.
(c) Joy.
(d) Boredom.

14. Who does Joan think her mother is angry at?
(a) The person who took over the column.
(b) Beverly.
(c) The editor.
(d) Joan.

15. What is Beverly's relationship to Victoria?
(a) Victoria is Beverly's mother.
(b) Victoria is Beverly's daughter.
(c) Victoria is Beverly's aunt.
(d) Beverly is Victoria's aunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has died, in chapter 6, besides Barker?

2. Daisy makes several inappropriate what?

3. How many children does Alice have?

4. Victoria invites Daisy to go with her and her professor to where?

5. The peddler said he could feel Daisy's what when she was born?

(see the answer keys)

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