Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Leigh-Cheri and Bernard picnic?
(a) By the ocean.
(b) In a forest beneath the volcano.
(c) In the crater of a volcano.
(d) In the jungle.

2. In the second "Interlude", what questions does the writer ask about the story?
(a) Are redheads funnier people?
(b) Is the moon made of green cheese?
(c) None of the answers are correct.
(d) How do you fall in love?

3. In Chapter Seventy-Three, when Leigh-Cheri finally calms down, who does she ask for?
(a) Bernard.
(b) Ralph Nader.
(c) A'ben Fizel.
(d) Guilietta.

4. Where does Leigh-Cheri go at midnight the night before her wedding?
(a) To a night club.
(b) The pyramid.
(c) To bed.
(d) Home to her parents.

5. What two things does Bernard do that does not get him on the Queen's good side?
(a) Stains her carpet and maimes her dog.
(b) Spills ink that the dog drank and died.
(c) Gets blood on the carpet when he sits on her dog.
(d) Stains her carpet and kills her dog.

6. What is happening to King Max after he moves from Pugent Sound?
(a) He's retired and doing volunteer work.
(b) He is playing the lottery.
(c) He's a big winner gambling in Reno.
(d) He is reading the newspaper daily.

7. Who is named queen of the Furstenberg-Barcalona's home country after the family was returned to power?
(a) Queen Tilli.
(b) Gulietta.
(c) Leigh-Cheri.
(d) King Max.

8. In Chapter Eighty-Four, why is Leigh-Cheri so angry at A'ben Fizel?
(a) He has a PI following her.
(b) He has men guarding her.
(c) He is rushing to finish her gift.
(d) He has found the golden ball and won't give it to her.

9. What happens when Leigh-Cheri realizes the red bearded man is Bernard?
(a) She runs into his arms.
(b) She faints.
(c) She hits him.
(d) She cries.

10. Why isn't Bernard permitted to smoke cigarettes while in jail?
(a) It is a non-smoking jail.
(b) The jailors are afraid if he gets his hands on fire he'll make a bomb.
(c) Bernard doesn't want to smoke cigarettes.
(d) The jailors do not want second hand smoke.

11. What happens to Bernard after the blast?
(a) He wonders what they'd do to Leigh-Cheri's body.
(b) All the answers are correct.
(c) He is deaf.
(d) He regains consciousness first.

12. What language does the writer say he is now teaching himself?
(a) Spanish.
(b) Chinese.
(c) Argon.
(d) Chiclets.

13. From what box of cereal does Leigh-Cheri read a satisfaction guarantee?
(a) Captain Crunch.
(b) Fruit Loops.
(c) Wheaties.
(d) Cheerios.

14. What happens to King Max because of all his worry over Leigh-Cheri?
(a) He wins the house in Reno.
(b) He wants to hold a party for their return.
(c) He dies in Reno.
(d) He meets a showgirl and wants to divorce Tilli.

15. What grows most vigorously in Puget Sound?
(a) Blackberries.
(b) Elderberries.
(c) Mushrooms.
(d) Ferns.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Leigh-Cheri bathe while Bernard is in jail?

2. What does Bernard do when Leigh-Cheri insults him?

3. Although Bernard rebels against behavioral codes, what does he do?

4. What do King Max and Queen Tillie think about Bernard?

5. How does A'ben Fizel explain Leigh-Cheri's disappearance?

(see the answer keys)

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