Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Leigh-Cheri and Bernard live at the end of the story?
(a) They move to Hawaii.
(b) They live in the cave behind the waterfall.
(c) The move in with Ralph Nader.
(d) They move to the house at Puget Sound.

2. What unusual thing happens as Leigh-Cheri and Bernard describe their dream or hallucination?
(a) They blame it on the champagne, and decide never to drink on champagne again.
(b) They both recall the same memories from after the blast.
(c) They both tell different stories about their dreams.
(d) They decide to keep it a secret.

3. What does Bernard say about love?
(a) Love is the real outlaw.
(b) Love needs a spark to ignite just like dynamite.
(c) Love is an impossible dream.
(d) Love isn't possible alone.

4. Who is arrested in Algeria and detained in prison because of A'ben Fizel's bribery?
(a) A man named King Max.
(b) A man named Bernard Mickey Wrangle.
(c) Queen Gulietta.
(d) Ralph Nader.

5. In the second "Interlude", what questions does the writer ask about the story?
(a) Are redheads funnier people?
(b) Is the moon made of green cheese?
(c) How do you fall in love?
(d) None of the answers are correct.

6. From what box of cereal does Leigh-Cheri read a satisfaction guarantee?
(a) Fruit Loops.
(b) Captain Crunch.
(c) Wheaties.
(d) Cheerios.

7. Who is named queen of the Furstenberg-Barcalona's home country after the family was returned to power?
(a) King Max.
(b) Leigh-Cheri.
(c) Gulietta.
(d) Queen Tilli.

8. What is in the note Queen Tilli gives Leigh-Cheri the night before her wedding to A'ben Fizel?
(a) The newspaper article telling of Bernard's death.
(b) A letter explaining why King Max couldn't come to her wedding.
(c) A check for one million dollars from her father.
(d) A picture of her parents.

9. What does Leigh-Cheri do while Bernard is in jail?
(a) She moves into her attic where she practices yoga to help her relax.
(b) Makes her room in the attic identical to Bernard's cell and lives like him.
(c) She pickets the jail where Bernard is inprisoned.
(d) She takes up smoking.

10. When will Leigh-Cheri receive her gift?
(a) After they are married.
(b) After she is over Bernard.
(c) Right away.
(d) When the next full moon rises.

11. What happens to Bernard after the blast?
(a) He regains consciousness first.
(b) He wonders what they'd do to Leigh-Cheri's body.
(c) All the answers are correct.
(d) He is deaf.

12. What question does Leigh-Cheri ask at the end of Chapter Eighty-One?
(a) "Why can't I sleep?"
(b) "Whatever happens to the golden ball?"
(c) "Where's Prince Charming?"
(d) "Why does the frog turn into a prince?"

13. What does Bernard suggest to the King about blackberries?
(a) That the plants be burned to get rid of them.
(b) That they be planted on top of every building in Seattle.
(c) That they go into the blackberry pie baking business together.
(d) That they become the Washington state fruit.

14. What happens to King Max because of all his worry over Leigh-Cheri?
(a) He wants to hold a party for their return.
(b) He meets a showgirl and wants to divorce Tilli.
(c) He wins the house in Reno.
(d) He dies in Reno.

15. What happens to Bernard in Algeria?
(a) He is allowed to go free.
(b) He is shot and killed.
(c) He is in solitary confinement.
(d) He finds a new girlfriend.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gulietta go on strike?

2. Where does Leigh-Cheri go at midnight the night before her wedding?

3. What example does Bernard give about myth?

4. What happens when A'ben Fizel sees Leigh-Cheri and Bernard hugging?

5. What do King Max and Queen Tillie think about Bernard?

(see the answer keys)

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