Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bernard feel about TNT?
(a) It's the only way to blow something up.
(b) It's a challenge to use.
(c) He loves the magic of it.
(d) He thinks you get more bang for the buck.

2. What is the similarity between juggling and composing on a typewriter?
(a) There is no similarity.
(b) When you spill something, make it look like part of the act.
(c) When you miss, try, try again.
(d) You can juggle a typewriter.

3. How old is Gulietta?
(a) In her thirties.
(b) In her eighties.
(c) In her seventies.
(d) In her forties.

4. As Leigh-Cheri stands in the sun watching the conference speaker, what is the shadow that falls over her?
(a) Bernard holding a parasol.
(b) Ralph Nader standing behind her.
(c) Bernard holding an umbrella.
(d) A cloud.

5. How long does it take Bernard to escape from prison?
(a) Less than a year.
(b) One year to the day.
(c) Two years.
(d) More than a year.

6. Where does Bernard suggest the world being a better place should start?
(a) With the Care-Fest.
(b) With the yogi.
(c) With Ralph Nader.
(d) With Leigh-Cheri and him.

7. What is King Max arranging for when his daughter returns home?
(a) A marriage with a young man from their homeland.
(b) A meeting with an Arab named A'ben Fizel.
(c) A date with an Egyptian Prince.
(d) A party to celebrate her return.

8. What does Bernard say about cigarettes?
(a) In jail they can be a friend.
(b) They don't cause lung Cancer if you eat them.
(c) They cause Cancer.
(d) They give bad breath.

9. What is Bernard Mickey Wrangle known to millions as?
(a) The Woodpecker.
(b) The mad bomber.
(c) The Uni-Bomber.
(d) Boom Boom Firecracker.

10. How long were the Furstenberg-Barcalona's exiled?
(a) Fifty years.
(b) Thirty years.
(c) Twenty years.
(d) Ten years.

11. What mistake does Bernard make as he carried out his intentions for being at the conference?
(a) He arrives late and made his students angry.
(b) He arrives early and didn't have a class.
(c) His bomb goes off before his class started.
(d) He mixs up the UFO conference with the Geo-Therapy Care Fest.

12. Who is not on the Twelve Most Famous Redheads list in Chapter Twenty?
(a) Leigh-Cheri.
(b) Margaret Sanger.
(c) Mark Twain.
(d) Bernard Mickey Wrangle.

13. What novel is hard to read while listening to Stevie Wonder?
(a) The Brothers Karamazov.
(b) The Brothers Grimm.
(c) Karamazov and Sons.
(d) One Flew Over the Coo-Coo's Nest.

14. Why doesn't Leigh-Cherie like Sunday brunch?
(a) Pork is served and she is a vegetarian.
(b) No one makes her eggs correctly.
(c) She hates Sunday.
(d) She is on a diet.

15. What is one of the contraception methods Bernard considered that has to do with the moon phases?
(a) Moonception.
(b) Mooning.
(c) She-Moon, He-Moon.
(d) Lunaception.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the villagers learn about Christian burials?

2. What does the typewriter's intimidation cause the writer to consider?

3. What does Bernard say about when freedom is outlawed?

4. In the third "Interlude," what does the writer say his typewriter needs?

5. In the story the writer tells about the Second World War, what happens to the American pilot?

(see the answer keys)

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