The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Castile tells Bel-Imperia that her _________ in loving Andrea has been forgiven.
(a) Disloyalty.
(b) Kindness.
(c) Naivety.
(d) Mistake.

2. Hieronimo, left alone, imagines himself pleading for justice first before the king, and then before who?
(a) A fiery god of the Underworld.
(b) His wife, Isabella.
(c) Bel-Imperia.
(d) The character Revenge.

3. After Balthazar and Lorenzo are told that Serberine has been shot, what is Lorenzo's reaction?
(a) To tell Balthazar the truth about the murder.
(b) To help Pedringano find a hiding place.
(c) To hide himself, knowing he will be found guilty.
(d) To have Pedringano executed.

4. Where does Isabella imagine herself going after rejecting the advice?
(a) To the underworld.
(b) To heaven.
(c) To Portugal.
(d) To hell.

5. Why does Hieronimo, in madness, start digging in the ground?
(a) To create a grave for Lorenzo before he kills him.
(b) To find the glove that Bel-Imperia gave Horatio.
(c) So that he can crawl into the Underworld.
(d) So Horatio can emerge from his grave and show the king his wounds.

6. How does Pedringano interact with his executioner?
(a) He is somber.
(b) He begs for a pardon.
(c) He makes jokes to him.
(d) He is ready to die.

7. What does Lorenzo give to Pedringano to encourage him to help in killing Serberine?
(a) A bag of gold.
(b) A title.
(c) A pardon.
(d) A house.

8. When Bel-Imperia berates Hieronimo for being slow in taking revenge, what does she accuse him of?
(a) Not being a man.
(b) Being crazy.
(c) Not loving his son.
(d) Being a coward.

9. Why does Lorenzo plan to kill Serberine?
(a) Because he thinks he wrote a letter revealing his guilt.
(b) Because he is going to take Pedringano as a servant instead.
(c) Because he reminds Lorenzo of Bel-Imperia.
(d) Because he is tired of having a servant.

10. What does Lorenzo order regarding Bel-Imperia?
(a) That she be freed.
(b) That she be married.
(c) That she be killed.
(d) That she stay imprisoned.

11. What has Revenge been doing while Bel-Imperia and Balthazar are planning their wedding and Hieronimo is agreeing to meet Lorenzo?
(a) Crying.
(b) Traveling.
(c) Planning.
(d) Sleeping.

12. What is Lorenzo said to be doing in "boiling lead and the blood of innocents"?
(a) Crawling.
(b) Bathing.
(c) Celebrating.
(d) Succeeding.

13. What advice does Lorenzo give Balthazar regarding Bel-Imperia?
(a) To trap Bel-Imperia again and keep her in his cellar.
(b) To be cunning, careful, and jesting with Bel-Imperia.
(c) To take Bel-Imperia immediately to be married.
(d) To be forward and aggressive with Bel-Imperia.

14. After Hieronimo discovers that Balthazar and Lorenzo were definitely behind Horatio's murder, what does he decide to do?
(a) Kill Lorenzo and Balthazar.
(b) Kill Bel-Imperia to sadden Balthazar.
(c) Erect a statue in memory of Horatio.
(d) Go to the king and plead for justice.

15. What does Hieronimo talk about in his soliloquy in Act 4, Scene 3 that is spurring his revenge of Horatio's death?
(a) Balthazar's marriage.
(b) Memories of Horatio.
(c) Isabella's suicide.
(d) Bel-Imperia's sadness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Lorenzo tell Castile that he has kept Hieronimo from the king?

2. What excuse does Lorenzo give Bel-Imperia for imprisoning her?

3. What do Isabella and Horatio do after they invite the third citizen into their home?

4. After approaching the king, which of the characters does Hieronimo plan on killing?

5. Who comes in, calms Bel-Imperia and leads her out after her soliloquy in act 3, Scene 9?

(see the answer keys)

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