The Spanish Tragedy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what language do Hieronimo and Isabella speak a dirge as they carry Horatio's body away?
(a) Latin.
(b) Spanish.
(c) English.
(d) Portuguese.

2. Who brings Andrea back to the living from the underworld?
(a) Balthazar.
(b) Pluto.
(c) Revenge.
(d) Perseus.

3. Why does the king want a marriage between Bel-Imperia and Balthazar?
(a) He wants what is best for Bel-Imperia.
(b) It will cement the peace between Spain and Portugal.
(c) He wants what is best for Balthazar.
(d) He has been bribed by Lorenzo and wants his reward.

4. Why is Hieronimo expected at the king's banquet in Act 1, Scene 4?
(a) To cater the party.
(b) He is not invited.
(c) To deliver the tribute.
(d) To provide the entertainment.

5. Who leads the procession that appears after the trumpet sounds in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) Balthazar and Lorenzo.
(b) Lorenzo and Don Pedro.
(c) Lorenzo and Horatio.
(d) Andrea and Balthazar.

6. What story does Villuppo tell the viceroy about what happened to Balthazar?
(a) Villuppo says Balthazar is indeed alive and will return.
(b) Villippo says he killed Balthazar with his own hands.
(c) Villuppo says Balthazar was shot in the back by Alexandro.
(d) Villuppo says Balthazar is indeed alive and is being held prisoner.

7. At the end of Act 3, Scene 1, what are the fates of Villuppo and Alexandro?
(a) They are both to be executed.
(b) Villuppo is to be executed and Alexandro publicly exonerated.
(c) Alexandro is to be executed and Villuppo imprisoned.
(d) Villuppo is to be executed and Alexandro remain in prison.

8. Why does the viceroy command Alexandro's imprisonment?
(a) He believes that he killed Balthazar.
(b) He believes that he is a poor soldier.
(c) He wants Villuppo to admit his lie.
(d) He believes that he is lying about Villuppo's guilt.

9. In the Spanish court, who pleads with Horatio to tell her more about the circumstances of Andrea's death, referring poetically to how much she loved him?
(a) Alexandria.
(b) Bel-Imperia.
(c) Lorenza.
(d) Elizabeth.

10. When Pedringano says he does not know whom Bel-Imperia is in love with, how does Lorenzo respond?
(a) He sighs in frustration.
(b) He drops the subject.
(c) He begins crying in despair.
(d) He draws his sword.

11. In Act 1, Scene 5, how does Revenge respond to the Ghost's question about why he's being made to sit through a celebration of the man who killed him?
(a) Revenge says the joy of all characters will be turned to misery.
(b) Revenge says the characters are not as happy as they seem.
(c) Revenge says that he likes seeing the Ghost's pain.
(d) Revenge says that he is actually the guilty one.

12. Why does Horatio hesitate to tell the story of Andrea's death in the Spanish court?
(a) He says he cared so much about Andrea and telling the story will be painful.
(b) He says it is too violent for a woman's ears.
(c) He did not see the death happen.
(d) He doesn't believe that Andrea is dead.

13. What decision do Bel-Imperia and Horatio make as Balthazar and Lorenzo look on?
(a) They decide to run away.
(b) They decide to marry.
(c) They decide to split up.
(d) They decide to kill Balthazar.

14. How does the audience know what Balthazar and Lorenzo are thinking as they secretly watch Bel-Imperia and Horatio?
(a) Balthazar and Lorenzo hold up signs showing what they are thinking.
(b) The audience does not know what they are thinking.
(c) Balthazar and Lorenzo interject comments that the other characters cannot hear.
(d) Balthazar and Lorenzo mime what they are thinking.

15. After finding out that Bel-Imperia has feelings for Horatio, what does Lorenzo say must happen for Bel-Imperia to love Balthazar?
(a) Bel-Imperia must be convinced Balthazar is stronger than Horatio.
(b) Bel-Imperia must be convinced Balthazar is richer than Horatio.
(c) Horatio must be taken out of the picture.
(d) Bel-Imperia must be convinced Balthazar is smarter than Horatio.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Bel-Imperia find herself attracted in Act 1, Scene 4?

2. Which of the following characters does not have a say in the marriage between Balthazar and Bel-Imperia?

3. Why does the viceroy order that Alexandro be brought to him in Act 3, Scene 1?

4. Whom does Balthazar request as his companion when he is captured?

5. How do Lorenzo and the others kill Horatio?

(see the answer keys)

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