The Siege of Krishnapur Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Siege of Krishnapur Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the physical manifestation of the Collector's grieving mind?
(a) the burned out bungalows.
(b) the piles of British possessions in the billiard room.
(c) the graves he digs.
(d) his shattered and dissheveled bedroom.

2. The two giant marble busts that Harry dragged to each side of the cannon were of whom?
(a) Plato and Socrates.
(b) Aristotle and Homer.
(c) Voltaire and Baudelaire.
(d) Shakespeare and Hugo.

3. What was the name of the Padre's mother?
(a) Mrs. Harvey.
(b) Mrs. Hampton.
(c) Mrs. Barlow.
(d) Mrs. Hadley.

4. What was shattering the Collector's nerves in Chapter 10?
(a) the complaining of the women.
(b) the high, shrill voice of the Padre.
(c) the extreme heat.
(d) the sound of the jackals howling.

5. What does Fleury lecture prince Hari about?
(a) the uselessness of material things.
(b) the value in hard work.
(c) the superiority of the British.
(d) phrenology.

6. Who do Harry and Fleury ride to warn telling them to come to the Residency for safety?
(a) the Maharajah and his son Hari.
(b) the indigo farmers.
(c) the opium factory workers.
(d) the soldiers.

7. What appears in one of the rooms of the palace to the embarrassment of Hari?
(a) a local prostitute.
(b) a large spider.
(c) a monkey.
(d) an escaped cow.

8. What does a man ask Harry to do as he passes through a bazaar?
(a) help his sick mother to get to a doctor.
(b) give him some money for food.
(c) give him directions to the cantonment.
(d) help a drunken English lady claiming she wants to kill herself.

9. Who do Harry and Fleury go back to try and save?
(a) Mr. Rose.
(b) Lieutenant Peterson.
(c) Michael Schleissner .
(d) Mr. Simmons.

10. Dr. Dunstaple makes fun of what native practice that Dr. McNab uses?
(a) leeches.
(b) rubbing mud into wounds.
(c) ants as stitches.
(d) bee pollen for the skin.

11. Fleury is afraid of the statue of what Indian God?
(a) Krishna.
(b) the Elephant God.
(c) Lord Bhairava.
(d) Kali.

12. Where was there a massacre when the Magistrate was visiting the farmers and discussing the flooding of the river?
(a) the Punjab.
(b) Calcutta.
(c) Delhi.
(d) Captainganj.

13. How do the British men describe the upbringing of rich natives?
(a) as "effeminate".
(b) as "stoic".
(c) as "disciplined".
(d) as "thorough".

14. Which of the corpses should be buried in a different area than the others?
(a) Jackson.
(b) Peterson.
(c) Donnelly.
(d) Peterson.

15. What object was crucial to the morale of the garrison?
(a) the canon
(b) the Union Jack
(c) the Enfield rifle
(d) the marble bust of Socrates

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when the Collector is once more alone in his study after he has made the rounds?

2. What about her looks upsets Louise?

3. What is the name of cemeteries in Krishnapur?

4. What are Barlow and Mohammed ordered to do?

5. Who arrives wounded in Part 1, Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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