Second Foundation Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Second Foundation Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the Second Foundation said to be in 1-3?

2. In 1-3, what reason does the Mule give Channis for wanting him to find the Second Foundation?

3. At the start of the book, who is the leader of the galaxy?

4. Why does Pritchard pull out his weapon in 4-6?

5. How does Pritcher describe the Tazender governor to Channis?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did the Seldon Plan fail as described by the author?

2. Why does Anthor want everyone at the meeting in 7-9 to get their brains scanned?

3. Toward the end of 1-3, what does the technician find in the ship and what is Channis' response?

4. How does the opening of "Second Foundation" help the reader understand events that have occurred earlier in the trilogy?

5. What difference in time do the events in 7-9 take place after 4-6 and how is this shown by the characters?

6. How has Arcadia kept herself busy since Anthor's arrival?

7. What does Anthor ask Dr. Darell as they descend downstairs in 7-9? What is Dr. Darell's reaction?

8. In 4-6, how does the Mule know that Channis is a Second Foundationer?

9. Who is the leader of the Galaxy and how did this leader rise to power?

10. How do the Rossem elders react to the arrival of Pritchard and Channis?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

It is difficult to define a standout hero or villain in "Second Foundation" because the author does not present such a figure to the reader. Please respond to the following with supporting evidence from the story:

1) What character is the most like a hero in the story? What happens at the end of the novel to make the reader think otherwise?

2) The Mule is presented to be a villain. His motivation to further the Seldon Plan is one of the few representations of a valid motive in the story. What is the author saying about societies' views on misunderstanding other people?

3) How is the Second Foundation simultaneously represented as a protagonist and antagonist in the book?

Essay Topic 2

The tone of the novel has an important effect on a reader's reading experience. "Second Foundation" is solemn in its content and tone. Please respond to the following with supporting evidence from the book:

1) How does Asimov establish the serious tone of the novel from the beginning of the book?

2) What are the major themes of the book and how do these themes affect the tone of the story?

3) Does the serious tone of "Second Foundation" help to accentuate the way the reader perceives the story?

Essay Topic 3

There is confusion throughout the novel on whether or not a character is acting upon their own free will or by the manipulations of a controlling force. Please respond to the following with supporting evidence from the story:

1) Arcadia is a rebellious teenager who acts upon her own desires and yet it is revealed that she has been under the influence of the Second Foundation since being a baby. Has her free will been her own or a part of the Second Foundation's conditioning?

2) How does Asimov use the character of the Lieutenant from Kalgan to prove that free will is a fallacy in the society of "Second Foundation"?

3) What is the author's purpose in portraying free will as something that might just be part of a larger influential control?

(see the answer keys)

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