Sabbath's Theater Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sabbath's Theater Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened as a result of the favor that Drenka asked Sabbath to perform for Matija?
(a) Matija had to be supported by the public dole.
(b) Matija made himself look ridiculous in his speech.
(c) Matija was audited, and went bankrupt.
(d) Matthew and Matija had an intense argument and had not spoken since.

2. Who arrives and hits the person at Drenka's grave while Sabbath watches?
(a) Christa.
(b) Matija.
(c) Barrett.
(d) Matthew.

3. Over the years, Sabbath has encouraged Drenka to do which of the following?
(a) Leave her husband and marry him.
(b) Run away with him to another country.
(c) Sleep with other men and tell him the details.
(d) Have his child.

4. How did Sabbath persuade Christa to allow him to come to her house?
(a) He posed as a police officer.
(b) He pretended to be a plumber.
(c) He offered to buy one of her pieces of art.
(d) He told her that he could get her a job.

5. How did Sabbath feel about the manner in which Nikki handled her mother's death?
(a) He thought that she was faking her grief.
(b) He thought that it was grotesque.
(c) He thought tht it was normal and healthy.
(d) He thought that it was odd, but not extraordinary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who only spoke to Nikki a handful of times, despite Sabbath's efforts to get them to talk?

2. Under what type of government was Drenka raised?

3. What was Roseanna hospitalized for in 1989?

4. How did Sabbath's brother, Morty, die?

5. What did Christa say to Sabbath the last time she saw him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the spirit of Sabbath's mother say to him at the end of Part 4?

2. At the end of Part 2, who does Sabbath encounter at Drenka's grave?

3. What role did Roseanna play in Sabbath's puppet theater?

4. What are some of the reasons that are detailed in Part 3 about Sabbath and his wife "hating" one another?

5. What happened between Sabbath, Drenka, and Christa?

6. Why did Sabbath choose to leave New York?

7. In what political environment was Drenka raised?

8. How is Drenka described in Part 1?

9. What transpired between Drenka and Barrett shortly before Drenka's death?

10. What happened at Sabbath's trial?

(see the answer keys)

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