Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Because of his skin color, what did Rodriguez's parents worry about?
(a) That he would get involved with a gang.
(b) That people would discriminate against him.
(c) That he would have a harder time in school.
(d) That he would take a hard labor job.

2. What happens to Rodriguez as a result of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's assassination?
(a) He becomes involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
(b) He gets more scholarships and opportunities.
(c) He is scared to pursue more education.
(d) He loses his scholarship to a black student.

3. When does Rodriguez think that minority students should get help?
(a) When they look for a first job.
(b) When they are in high school.
(c) When they start college.
(d) At the earliest possible age.

4. What changes Rodriguez's ideas about his complexion?
(a) He talks about it with other minority students.
(b) He works construction and gets comfortable about revealing his skin.
(c) He talks about it with one of his professors.
(d) He writes a news story about the "Black is Beautiful" movement.

5. What does Rodriguez's editor say about his idea for a book?
(a) It is not an interesting idea.
(b) Writing it will be a lonely experience.
(c) He will upset a lot of people.
(d) It could be a best-seller.

6. In Credo, Chapter 3, what does Rodriguez do to change his ideas about religion?
(a) He studies to be a priest.
(b) He visits a lot of different churches.
(c) He studies theology.
(d) He travels to other countries.

7. In Complexion, Chapter 3, what new hobby does Rodriguez take up?
(a) Skateboarding.
(b) Scuba diving.
(c) Skiing.
(d) Long-distance running.

8. In Complexion, Chapter 3, what does Rodriguez realize about education?
(a) It gives people a voice.
(b) It changes how people look at the world.
(c) It provides better job options.
(d) It is a waste of time.

9. Why does Rodriguez's mother not understand his explanation about psychiatry?
(a) Because she has a cultural attitude about private life and public life.
(b) Because she has a cultural attitude about writers.
(c) Because he does not tell her the truth.
(d) Because he is explaining in English.

10. Why do the new minority students on campus make Rodriguez uneasy?
(a) They dress funny.
(b) They act like revolutionaries and promote violence.
(c) They try to speak to him in Spanish.
(d) They celebrate the cultural heritage that he has rejected.

11. How does Rodriguez's sister's friend challenge his ideas about complexion?
(a) She is black, but not poor.
(b) She is dark-skinned but spends more time indoors than he does.
(c) She is light-skinned but spends more time outdoors than he does.
(d) She is white, but not rich.

12. What is Rodriguez aware of when he visits his rich friends?
(a) There are dark-skinned servants, but he is a friend, not a servant.
(b) His friends treat him differently because of his skin color.
(c) His friends are fascinated by his skin color.
(d) His friends talk about skin color differently than his family does.

13. How do Rodriguez's friends affect his religious practices?
(a) His friends are all non-Catholic.
(b) His friends want him to go to mass with them every day.
(c) His friends are all non-religious.
(d) His friends all practice different religions.

14. What term does Rodriguez's mother ask him to explain?
(a) Bilingual education.
(b) Affirmative action.
(c) LSD.
(d) Psychiatry.

15. As he gets older, what do people tell Rodriguez about his complexion?
(a) They tease him.
(b) They joke with him about how light his skin is.
(c) They tell him to see a doctor to get help.
(d) They are envious of his "tan."

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Rodriguez's mother act differently in public?

2. Now that he is a teacher, what does Rodriguez blame white students for?

3. According to Rodriguez, what did some sympathetic professors do for black students who were struggling?

4. Is Rodriguez's classmate as good a student as Rodriguez is?

5. What does Rodriguez learn about complexion from his family?

(see the answer keys)

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