Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the last chapters of the book, what is Rodriguez keeping secret from his family?
(a) That he dropped out of school.
(b) That he's writing a book.
(c) That he no longer goes to church.
(d) That he wants to be a construction worker.

2. When he was a child, what did his parents say he looked like?
(a) A sick child.
(b) A ghost.
(c) A wealthy boy who does not work.
(d) A poor Mexican man who works in the sun.

3. In Complexion, Chapter 3, what does Rodriguez realize about education?
(a) It provides better job options.
(b) It gives people a voice.
(c) It is a waste of time.
(d) It changes how people look at the world.

4. How does Rodriguez say that the white students react to affirmative action?
(a) They blame him for it.
(b) They complain about it.
(c) They are sympathetic to it.
(d) They protest against it.

5. How does Rodriguez's mother act differently in public?
(a) She is more outgoing and friendly.
(b) Her voice gets lower and quieter.
(c) She struggles to speak English.
(d) Her voice gets higher and she speaks more formally.

6. What is Rodriguez's complexion like?
(a) He looks like a white boy.
(b) He is dark-skinned.
(c) He has bad acne.
(d) He is light-skinned.

7. What is one thing that Rodriguez says happened to black students promoted through affirmative action?
(a) They succeeded beyond anyone's expectations.
(b) Some of them failed because they did not have a strong educational background.
(c) They were a great example for future generations of black students.
(d) They did not do any better than students who "earned" their way in.

8. Does Rodriguez's mother blame him for what happened to their family?
(a) Yes, but she also blames herself.
(b) No.
(c) Yes.
(d) No, but she thinks he made it worse when he went to London.

9. What new academic field do these minority college students ask for?
(a) Third world studies.
(b) Ethnic studies.
(c) Anthropology.
(d) Ethnography.

10. What does Rodriguez's editor say about his idea for a book?
(a) It is not an interesting idea.
(b) Writing it will be a lonely experience.
(c) It could be a best-seller.
(d) He will upset a lot of people.

11. How does Rodriguez change his religious practices?
(a) He goes to mass every day.
(b) He stops going to confession and listens to his conscience instead of the priest.
(c) He stops going to mass at all.
(d) He starts praying more regularly.

12. Who teaches Rodriguez that stereotypes are not accurate?
(a) The well-educated construction workers.
(b) The other students.
(c) His professors at Stanford.
(d) His boss at his job.

13. When does Rodriguez think that minority students should get help?
(a) When they are in high school.
(b) At the earliest possible age.
(c) When they look for a first job.
(d) When they start college.

14. Does Rodriguez believe that his mother knows about his book?
(a) No.
(b) Yes.
(c) No, but he is afraid she will find his manuscript and read it.
(d) Yes, but she will not admit it.

15. What term does Rodriguez's mother ask him to explain?
(a) Psychiatry.
(b) LSD.
(c) Affirmative action.
(d) Bilingual education.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Rodriguez's friends affect his religious practices?

2. How does Rodriguez think about the old religious traditions of his childhood?

3. What does Rodriguez learn about complexion from his family?

4. In Complexion, Chapter 3, what new hobby does Rodriguez take up?

5. What do the students say about Rodriguez?

(see the answer keys)

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