The Remains of the Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Remains of the Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lord Darlington's hope for the conference?
(a) Develop a coalition to provide aid to Germany
(b) That it will be the last one he has to host
(c) That everyone will have a good time
(d) That it will start on time

2. What does Mr. Stevens consider critical to his work?
(a) Etiquette
(b) Organizational skills
(c) Professionalism
(d) Diplomacy

3. What is the overall goal of the conference?
(a) Establish the United Nations
(b) Freeze German reparation payments and withdraw French troops
(c) Determine who should be the next ruler of Germany
(d) Discuss the demise of the British monarchy

4. Who is Miss Kenton?
(a) Mr. Stevens' sister
(b) A chef at Darlington Hall
(c) A former housekeeper at Darlington Hall
(d) Mr. Faraday's assistant

5. Where does Stevens go for help?
(a) A large Victorian house
(b) A service station
(c) A nearby farm
(d) The next town

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Stevens' answer put Mr. Farraday in an awkward spot?

2. What had Miss Kenton brought to Stevens' office at Darlington Hall one day?

3. How long has Mr. Stevens been employed in this position?

4. What is the subject of Miss Kenton's letter?

5. Stevens realizes that he is ______________ when asked about employment with Lord Darlington.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Stevens return again and again in his mind to his reluctance to admit to being employed by Lord Darlington?

2. Who is Mr. Cardinal and what does Stevens recall about him?

3. What surprising news does Miss Kenton give Stevens on this night?

4. Explain the symbolism of the polished silver.

5. What are the circumstances of the elder Mr. Stevens coming to work at Darlington Hall?

6. How does the Day 6, Evening Chapter begin?

7. What event occurs to force a change in the elder Mr. Stevens' role at Darlington Hall?

8. What concerns does Mr. Cardinal have regarding Lord Darlington?

9. What does Stevens do after finding out that Mr. Cardinal plans to stay the night.

10. What is Miss Kenton's reaction to the dismissal of the Jewish girls?

(see the answer keys)

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