Rats Saw God Test | Final Test - Easy

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rats Saw God Test | Final Test - Easy

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many times did Dub call Steve while he visited his mother for Christmas?
(a) Ten.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) None.

2. Why does Steve resent his father so much?
(a) He doesn't like his work schedule.
(b) He doesn't air-guitar.
(c) He feels like he disappoints him.
(d) He doesn't buy American.

3. What disbanded in their junior year?
(a) The Homemaker club.
(b) The Chess club.
(c) The GOD club.
(d) The Russian club.

4. Allison thinks her father would think any boy she brought home a what?
(a) "A threat."
(b) "A friend."
(c) "A babysitter."
(d) "A money lender."

5. Since becoming an item, who has Steve been avoiding?
(a) Cindy.
(b) Doug.
(c) Dub.
(d) Sarah.

6. How many points above Steve's score did Allison make on the SATs?
(a) Twenty points higher.
(b) Thirty points higher.
(c) One hundred points higher.
(d) Ten points higher.

7. What term did Dub use to describe herself in the writing assignment?
(a) "Charming."
(b) "Homebody."
(c) "Cynic."
(d) "Irresistible."

8. What did Dub cook for dinner the night she picked him up from the airport?
(a) Hambugers and fries.
(b) Fettucine Alfredo.
(c) Chili dogs.
(d) They went out for dinner.

9. What became of the GOD club after the talent show?
(a) The principal complimented them on their preformance.
(b) The principal wanted permission to make DVDs of their preformance.
(c) The principal told them all to go to detention.
(d) The principal dissolved it.

10. After a fight with Sarah, what did Steve learn about his mother?
(a) That his parents divorced after their mother had an affair.
(b) That his parents divorced after his father hit his mother.
(c) That his parents divorced after their father had an affair.
(d) That his parents divorced after his mother hit his father.

11. On the phone, his father asked Steve a favor. What was it?
(a) For Steve to go to drug counseling.
(b) For Steve to be best man at his wedding.
(c) For Steve to give his sister a hug.
(d) For Steve to tour NASA with him.

12. What did Steve title his essay for Mr.DeMouy?
(a) Where I go From Here.
(b) My Essay for Mr.DeMouy.
(c) This is how I got here.
(d) Knee Deep in the Heart of Texas.

13. Where did Steve buy condoms?
(a) The gas station bathroom.
(b) He took some of his father's.
(c) The Piggly Wiggly.
(d) The pharmacy.

14. The night Steve got home from San Diego what did he do?
(a) Took a shower and went to see Dub.
(b) Went to work at the Cineplex.
(c) Read a book.
(d) Slept.

15. What event is the GOD's group going to enter?
(a) The science fair.
(b) The marathon.
(c) The talent show.
(d) The horserace.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the concert, who drank and partied all night?

2. Where was Allison off visiting?

3. What emotion did Steve describe when Dub went partying with her sister?

4. Sarah received permission to go where?

5. Why was Steve so happy to find out he was accepted to Harvard?

(see the answer keys)

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