Rats Saw God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rats Saw God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the teens get their pictures taken at semi-formal dances?
(a) To put them in the yearbook.
(b) To send to their grandparents.
(c) To prove to their parents they went.
(d) To show off their dresses.

2. Who hugged Steve after the announcement of most original float?
(a) Dub.
(b) The astronaut.
(c) Rhonda.
(d) Doug.

3. In college, what instrument does Doug play in a rock band?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Keyboard.
(c) Drums.
(d) Bass.

4. Why did Mr.Demouy's office stink?
(a) The janitor sprayed for roaches.
(b) He had bad gas.
(c) There was a skunk out his open window.
(d) Someone vomited in it.

5. What job did Steve have in the summers in San Diego at his mom's house?
(a) Cook at Taco Bell.
(b) Mowed lawns, pruned trees, and weeded flower beds.
(c) Cashier at McDonald's.
(d) Gas station attendant.

6. After getting very drunk, who drove Steve home?
(a) Rhonda.
(b) Missy.
(c) Dub.
(d) Virginia.

7. What club does Doug's band play in?
(a) Hole in the Wall.
(b) Losers Bar and Grill.
(c) Texas BarBeQue.
(d) Cheers.

8. After three weeks of dating Dub, who asked to meet her?
(a) Steve's Sister.
(b) Steve's Father.
(c) Steve's Guidance Couselor.
(d) Steve's Mother.

9. On Saturdays what does Steve's dad like to do?
(a) Hang out with other astronauts.
(b) Watch football on TV all day.
(c) Golf.
(d) Lawn work.

10. In Sarah's letter she tells Steve that someone has a crush on him. Who is it?
(a) Virgina
(b) Rhonda
(c) Dub
(d) Rachel

11. Why did Steve go to his mom's office?
(a) To borrow money.
(b) To talk about Sarah going to the Pearl Jam concert.
(c) To drive her home from work.
(d) To borrow her car.

12. What cassette did Steve and Dub play in the car on the way home from the dance?
(a) Barry Manilow.
(b) Neil Diamond.
(c) Pearl Jam.
(d) Cher.

13. Doug Chappell worked where?
(a) Taco Bell.
(b) Clear Lake Pools and Spas.
(c) Clear Lake Cinema.
(d) McDonald's.

14. What did Steve have for breakfast after coming home drunk?
(a) Tamales.
(b) Lean Cruisine.
(c) Tortillas.
(d) Eggs.

15. As a couple, what activities did Dub and Steve spend their time on?
(a) Having lots of pillow fights.
(b) Made out a lot and talked on the phone.
(c) Walking along the beach holding hands.
(d) Riding a two-seater bicycle in the rain.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Steve gone without getting busted at school for drugs?

2. Who was the letter from that Steve's dad gave him?

3. What does the reporter refer to GOD as?

4. At Grace High,Steve meets what group's president and founder, Doug Chappell?

5. Who drives a drunk and passed out Doug home?

(see the answer keys)

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