The Power and the Glory Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the priest sends back the guide and the mules, why is the mestizo mockingly concerned.
(a) He was counting on selling the mules.
(b) He had planned to make his own get away on a mule.
(c) He must behave as though he thinks the priest will be returning.
(d) He thinks the priest should have waited about half an hour.

2. What unusual thing does the priest do in prison?
(a) He holds a mass in the prison.
(b) He tells people there that he is a priest.
(c) He starts offering loud prayers.
(d) He begins to behave like the crazy man.

3. After walking for miles in a storm, where does the priest find shelter?
(a) In a cave.
(b) In an abandoned army tent.
(c) In a hut filled with maize.
(d) In a dilapidated barn.

4. After he finds a place by an old man, what does he hear?
(a) The old man blames the lieutenant for all his troubles.
(b) The man begins talking angrily about priests, blaming them for the misery in his life.
(c) The old man thinks gringos are responsible for all the problems in Mexico.
(d) The old man thinks his family had him arrested to get his money.

5. How far away is the Yankee when the priest sends the guide and mules back?
(a) Just down the hill.
(b) A day's travel on foot.
(c) Just on the outskirts.
(d) About one hour away.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Fellows wonder when he hears that a priest was executed?

2. What makes the priest fear the lieutenant will recognize him from Carmen?

3. What is the priest's reply when the lieutenant then says he will be a martyr?

4. To what does the priest compare the disciplines of the church?

5. What does the priest wonder about the other prisoners?

Short Essay Questions

1. What feelings pass through the priest as he luxuriates in the Lehrs' kindness?

2. What seems to be different about the priest's arrest?

3. While Mr. Trench is in the Police Chief's office, what does he witness?

4. Going on, what refuge does the priest eventually find?

5. In spite of the lieutenant's assurances, Father José refuses to go to the jail to hear the priest's confession. What is the irony of that situation?

6. Describe the conditions in the jail.

7. Why does the Indian woman follow the priest as he leaves the next day?

8. What is the irony of the priest's admission in the jail cell.

9. Even after the Yankee refuses to make a confession, what does the priest do?

10. What are the preparations for the priest to escape to Las Casas?

(see the answer keys)

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