The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the lieutenant eager to hunt down the priest?
(a) He sees it as a chance for a promotion.
(b) He has an intense hatred of priests and the church.
(c) He thinks hunting a man is better than hunting deer.
(d) He wants the Police Chief's job.

2. For what is the American wanted?
(a) Embezzlement.
(b) Smuggling priests out of the country.
(c) Running guns across the border.
(d) Bank robbery and murder.

3. How does Greene set up the scene to show the despair of Father José?
(a) His nagging wife leaves him.
(b) Walking in the cemetery, he comes upon a family burying a small child.
(c) He awakes from a dream in which he had been saying the mass.
(d) Reading his Bible, he begins to weep.

4. What does Captain Fellows eventually realize that Coral has done?
(a) She has hidden the priest on their property.
(b) She has hidden her boyfriend on their property.
(c) She has painted religious symbols on the walls of the barn.
(d) She has been making whisky in the shed.

5. How does the mestizo attempt to get the priest to admit that he is a priest?
(a) He condemns the Church for all its inadequacies.
(b) He quotes scripture to see if the priest will respond.
(c) He says he is a good Christian and asks the priest to say a prayer.
(d) He tells the priest about another priest he helped to excape.

6. In trying to get away from the people chasing him, on whose door does the priest knock?
(a) The door of a widow.
(b) The house of the alcalde.
(c) The house of Father José.
(d) The house of the lieutenant.

7. Why does the lieutenant like to think about the priest who is still living?
(a) He serves as an example the lieutenant can use to tell the children.
(b) He is pleased most of all by this man, a living example to all of the weakness of faith.
(c) He has disgraced the Church and the people have all turned against him.
(d) He is awaiting execution and the lieutenant will get to hang him.

8. Who is the last priest on the run from the police?
(a) A man who calls himself Julian.
(b) A pious priest who is protected by the peons.
(c) A monsignor disguised as a farmer.
(d) An unnamed man who is far from a perfect holy man.

9. What does Captain Fellows learn about the policeman?
(a) That he is looking for land to buy.
(b) That he comes from Oaxaca.
(c) That he has a warrant for the captain's arrest.
(d) That he is a lieutenant.

10. What is going through the stranger's head as he walks with the boy?
(a) He thinks the whole area will start bringing their sick to him.
(b) He wonders if the boy's family has anything to drink.
(c) He thinks he just might settle down in this town.
(d) He knows now he will never escape and in his mind he is praying to be caught soon.

11. How do the people respond to his reappearance in the village?
(a) They turn their backs on him and pretend he is not there.
(b) Only a few people gather at a distance and look at him, and no one comes to kiss his hand.
(c) They act suspiciously as though they might call the police.
(d) They rush to greet him, crying because they thought he was dead.

12. How does Greene introduce the lieutenant?
(a) He is sitting at his desk dealing with the prisoners when the Chief of Police enters the office.
(b) He comes to Mr. Trench's house to ask about the stranger.
(c) He is at the firing range, practicing his shooting.
(d) He is questioning the boy.

13. What does Mr. Trench notice about the environment in the town?
(a) It is cold and there are no birds.
(b) It looks like a tropical garden.
(c) The land is dusty and hot with buzzards flying overhead.
(d) The jungle is encroaching on the village.

14. What is Greene's contrast between the two priests in the story?
(a) One is a whisky priest and the other is not.
(b) One refuses his responsibility but the other tries to run away from responsibility.
(c) The only difference is that one of them is married.
(d) Both men are sinners and cannot be considered good priests, yet they choose very different paths.

15. What is the condition of the priest as he heads home from the plantation?
(a) He has tried to change his appearance so he will not be easily recognized.
(b) He has on new clothes so his family will not be ashamed.
(c) He has become determined to oppose thepolice.
(d) He is drunk and keeps falling off his mule.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the lieutenant arrives, why does he not recognize the priest?

2. Who does the priest see as he approaches a small town?

3. What does the priest hear as he crosses the river on his mule?

4. What is the lieutenant's ambition?

5. What does Captain Fellows tell the policeman that satisfies him?

(see the answer keys)

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