The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the priest think would be the result of his leaving?
(a) There would still be persecution of anyone who believes in the Church.
(b) The police would come and murder his daughter.
(c) Everything would return to normal and the Church would eventually return.
(d) He believes that if he was gone it would be as if God was gone from this whole state.

2. What does the lieutenant tell Captain Fellows he is doing?
(a) He is taking a census.
(b) He is looking for a priest wanted for treason.
(c) He is campaigning for governor.
(d) He is looking for a good place to fish.

3. What does Captain Fellows eventually realize that Coral has done?
(a) She has hidden her boyfriend on their property.
(b) She has painted religious symbols on the walls of the barn.
(c) She has hidden the priest on their property.
(d) She has been making whisky in the shed.

4. Where do they think the priest may have gone?
(a) To Mexico City where he would be difficult to find.
(b) Across the border into Texas.
(c) Conceptión, the home of his parish, or Carmen where he was born.
(d) Vera Cruz or Tampico.

5. When the lieutenant arrives, why does he not recognize the priest?
(a) He has forgotten what he looks like.
(b) He never looks at him.
(c) He is in too big a hurry to pay attention to the priest.
(d) He has too many other things on his mind.

6. Why does the woman he meets in the village not recognize him at first?
(a) She tells the priest he looks like a common man because of his clothes.
(b) She tells the priest that he needs a haricut.
(c) She tells the priest that he has lost a lot of weight.
(d) She tells the priest that it has been so long since anyone there has seen him.

7. For what is the American wanted?
(a) Running guns across the border.
(b) Bank robbery and murder.
(c) Smuggling priests out of the country.
(d) Embezzlement.

8. What surprises the lieutenant?
(a) That the last priest was not shot weeks ago.
(b) That the Police Chief entered his office without knocking.
(c) That the Police Chief is so calm.
(d) That the Governor even knows they are there.

9. How does the mestizo attempt to get the priest to admit that he is a priest?
(a) He condemns the Church for all its inadequacies.
(b) He tells the priest about another priest he helped to excape.
(c) He quotes scripture to see if the priest will respond.
(d) He says he is a good Christian and asks the priest to say a prayer.

10. When the lieutenant meets up with some boys who are interested in his gun, what passes through his mind?
(a) These boys know that the gun is more powerful than the Bible.
(b) For their sakes, he will start a massacre.
(c) The boys should be in school.
(d) The boys will one day be policemen and soldiers.

11. What does Mr. Trench regret when he sees a man selling mineral water?
(a) That only the rich can afford to drink the mineral water.
(b) That he has no money to buy some.
(c) It is practically the only thing to drink in this prohibition state.
(d) That he did not get into that business when he had the chance.

12. When does Coral say she lost her faith in God?
(a) When her mother tried to commit suicide.
(b) When she was ten years old.
(c) When she lost her virginity.
(d) When the Mexican boys started coming around.

13. What does Father José fear if he says a prayer at the graveside?
(a) He will get in trouble, lose his pension or even be killed for practicing his religion, which he has renounced.
(b) The authroities will put him in jail for blasphemy.
(c) His police protection will be taken away if he performs a religious act.
(d) He will be mocked by the lieutenant for practicing a religion he renounced.

14. Who is the last priest on the run from the police?
(a) A pious priest who is protected by the peons.
(b) An unnamed man who is far from a perfect holy man.
(c) A monsignor disguised as a farmer.
(d) A man who calls himself Julian.

15. What name do the people give to priests who smell of alcohol?
(a) Wine bibber.
(b) Smelly sermonizer.
(c) Pickled priest.
(d) Whisky priest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the lieutenant like to think about the priest who is still living?

2. After he realizes he cannot stay in the village, what promise does the priest make to the people?

3. Why does the boy insist that the stranger go with him?

4. How many priests has the lieutenant already executed?

5. Where is Captain Fellows' wife when he reaches his house?

(see the answer keys)

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