Plan of Attack Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plan of Attack Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 29.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the cheery 74-year-old UN weapons inspector who is brought into Iraq to check for WMD?
(a) George H. W. Bush
(b) Hans Blix
(c) Mohamed ElBaradei
(d) Colin Powell

2. ______________ and China have commercial ties with Iraq and are on record opposing the US efforts to oust Saddam.
(a) North Korea
(b) Russia
(c) Spain
(d) Japan

3. There is consensus that ___________ will be needed to stabilize a post-Saddam Iraq, war or no war.
(a) Worldwide involvement
(b) UN resolutions
(c) UN troops
(d) US forces

4. _________ appreciates the U.S. moral position in the dealings with Iraq though it differs from his own.
(a) Tony Blair
(b) Jacques Chirac
(c) Jesse Jackson
(d) Prince Bandar

5. ____________ pushes Powell through regular private meetings to begin to build with Bush a relationship like the one Bush and Rumsfeld share.
(a) Dick Cheney
(b) Michael Gerson
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) Richard Armitage

Short Answer Questions

1. ___________ is sure that demanding Saddam submit full WMD accounting within 30 days will prove he's been lying.

2. _____________ sees a fork in the road of either a new UN resolution and renewed inspections or war.

3. On August 5, it is found out that the Generated Start Plan is executable, but versatile ____________ preparations are underway.

4. Rice talks about how they can not guarantee that they will find a _____________ when they fight with Iraq.

5. Bush recalled to Woodward that he had been sure that the Iraqis longed for _____________ and would seize the moment.

(see the answer key)

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