Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ezra decide about his life?

2. Who does Nyle talk about who was a carpenter?

3. What do Muncie and Nyle finally discuss?

4. What does Nyle do?

5. What does Nyle wear in order to walk around the farm?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Muncie respond to Nyle finally telling her about Ezra? Do you think Muncie's response is reasonable?

2. Describe Muncie's reaction to Nyle wanting to sit next to her on the bus.

3. How do you think the image of sheep is used by Ezra in this chapter?

4. What sort of epiphany does Nyle have about Ezra as he begins to heal?

5. What is the difference in the way Nyle and Ezra interpret Nyle's history assignment?

6. How does Muncie try to prepare Nyle for Ezra's possible death?

7. Why do you think Nyle and Ezra are awkward with each other when put in a position that it seems they must acknowledge something about their relationship?

8. How do you think Nyle may be compounding the rift in her friendship with Muncie in this chapter?

9. What is admirable about Uncle Lemmy's choices after the nuclear disaster?

10. Why is Ezra upset after Nyle reads her paper to him?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In chapter 6, Mrs. Trent asks Nyle if she would dip the washcloth into the sweet water and dab it on Ezra's lips. Immediately, Nyle remembers her grandmother promised that she would not have to tend to Ezra's physical needs, but she sees the look of exhaustion on Mrs. Trent's face and decides that this is another one of those things that "she needed to do." Answer the following questions by writing a cohesive essay using specific examples and details to illustrate your stance.

1. Compare and contrast how Nyle feels about caring for Ezra when she first starts the care giving to near the end of the time Nyle has to care for him.

2. What do you think shifts Nyle's attitude? Give examples.

3. Do you think it is fair of Gran to expect Nyle to care for a stranger? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

In chapter 4, the girls are reading in their English class is about death. Muncie asks Nyle if she thinks the refugees should have left the mountain or not. The two girls differ in their opinion. Perhaps it is this difference of opinion that compels Nyle to not "dare" tell Muncie about Ezra. Answer the following questions by writing a cohesive essay using specific examples and details to illustrate your stance.

1. Many people seem to think they can "catch" radiation poisoning from people who have it. Can they? Or is this just an excuse to not deal with something that most people would want to forget?

2. Up until now, it is easy to blame Nyle more than Muncie for the rift in their friendship, but do you think Muncie's attitude justifies Nyle's hesitation? Or do you think Muncie would "deal with it?"

3. Do you think it is realistic to think the people on the mountain would have stayed there and suffered certain, horrible death? Would you be willing to have strangers in your home who may be dying from radiation poisoning? Even if it could not affect you physically?

Essay Topic 3

In chapter 3, Mr. Sobel, the science teacher, informs the students all about radioactive materials. Nyle reflects on how much better science class was when it was just text in a book and not material that the children experienced firsthand. Answer the following questions by writing a well-developed essay using specific examples and details:

1. What is ironic about Mr. Sobel's science lesson? Do you think the irony is humorous or tragic? Why?

2. We have all heard the statement, "learn by experience." Now it is apparent there are times when that's not the best way to learn. When is learning by experience helpful? When can it be harmful? How does Ezra learn by experience in a harmful way? In a helpful way (see chapter 21)?

3. Which type of learning do you prefer--hands on or book learning? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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