Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nyle motion Ezra to do?
(a) Go back to the house.
(b) Come into the pasture with her.
(c) Start up the truck.
(d) Put the puppy in the truck bed.

2. Why doesn't Nyle and Gran celebrate Christmas this year?
(a) Because they think it's gotten too commercialized.
(b) Because of the power plant accident and the Trents never do.
(c) Because they have no money.
(d) They never celebrate Christmas.

3. Why does Ezra start writing?
(a) He's going to do the assignment also.
(b) He is writing a poem for a girl at school.
(c) He wants to finish an English assignment.
(d) He is working on a memoir about the accident.

4. What does Nyle do?
(a) Hugs Shep as if he is the only thing left in the world.
(b) Runs inside and locks the door.
(c) Tells Muncie everything about Ezra.
(d) Tells the sheriff what Ripley did.

5. What does Nyle pretend?
(a) That she does not see Muncie.
(b) That Ezra is staying for a long time.
(c) To have a rock in her shoe so she has to lean over to avoid seeing the person in the driveway.
(d) That she is Ezra's girlfriend.

6. Why does Nyle come back outside?
(a) She is hot.
(b) She can't stand being cooped up because she is so restless.
(c) She hears sirens.
(d) She hears Shep howling.

7. Why does Nyle go onto the Powers' property?
(a) To make sure Tyrus is tied.
(b) To ask Ripley something.
(c) To search for a sheep.
(d) It is bitter cold and Nyle was taking a shortcut.

8. How does Ezra treat his studies?
(a) He reads them dutifully.
(b) He "devours" them.
(c) He refuses to have anything to do with them.
(d) He is loathe to pick up a book.

9. Where does Ezra go with Nyle?
(a) To town and the mall.
(b) To her gramp's woodworking shop.
(c) To check on the sheep and puppy.
(d) To Muncie's house.

10. What does Ezra ask about the puppy?
(a) Where it is hidden.
(b) Why it is outside.
(c) Who did Nyle give it to.
(d) What Nyle named it.

11. What does Nyle teach Ezra?
(a) How to climb the ladder to the loft.
(b) How to drive the truck.
(c) How to drive the tractor.
(d) How to sling hay bales.

12. What does Muncie say about Ezra?
(a) That he will follow his heart.
(b) That he is dying.
(c) That he is wonderful.
(d) That he is not right for her.

13. What does Nyle choose to do?
(a) Write about Anne Frank.
(b) Study Ben Franklin's comments on the Constitution.
(c) Read about how the atom was discovered.
(d) Memorize the Gettysburg Address.

14. What happens to Ezra as they walk towards the house?
(a) Ezra falls.
(b) Nyle trips and falls.
(c) Nyle sees a strange car in the driveway.
(d) Ezra tenses.

15. Why does Nyle move off the Powers' property?
(a) Because the sheep is not there.
(b) Because Ripley confronts her.
(c) Because Tyrus is loose.
(d) To go over to Muncie's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nyle like?

2. What does Ezra put in his arms?

3. How does Mr. Perry reassure Nyle?

4. Where does Gran take the Trents to see about some government assistance?

5. What does Nyle think the kids believe about her and Ezra?

(see the answer keys)

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