Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nyle do to remind herself of Ezra?
(a) Do a drawing of him from memory.
(b) Go and cuddle with Shep.
(c) Lie in his bed.
(d) Look at a picture she took of him.

2. Why does Ripley stop Muncie, Nyle, and Ezra?
(a) He tells them they are on his property.
(b) He is upset and wants to taunt them.
(c) He wants to ask them to be friends.
(d) He wants to ask them where Tyrus is.

3. What do Gran, Miriam, Ezra and Nyle decide to do?
(a) Go to the movies.
(b) Play monopoly.
(c) Go out to eat.
(d) Attend a concert at the school.

4. What does Mr. Perry tell Nyle?
(a) That she is the valdictorian of the class.
(b) That she can get into the new A & M college because of her grades.
(c) That he knows about the evacuees at the house.
(d) That she is eligible for a full scholarship to college.

5. Why does Ripley throw an ice ball at Nyle?
(a) He meant to hit Muncie but misses.
(b) For defending Muncie.
(c) He didn't know it had an icy core.
(d) He whated to show Nyle how accurate he could throw a snowball.

6. What do Nyle and Ezra do every night?
(a) Card wool.
(b) Their homework together at the kitchen table.
(c) Yoga to strengthen Nyle's body.
(d) Train Shep.

7. Where does Ezra go with Nyle?
(a) To town and the mall.
(b) To Muncie's house.
(c) To her gramp's woodworking shop.
(d) To check on the sheep and puppy.

8. What happens after Nyle reads a paper to Ezra?
(a) He is sure she will be able to publish it.
(b) He says it needs some work.
(c) He tells her it is astonishing.
(d) He throws his paper away.

9. What does Nyle see when she spots Ezra throughout the day?
(a) He is alone and seems confused.
(b) He is wearing his mask again.
(c) He is limping badly.
(d) He is surrounded by girls.

10. What does Nyle motion Ezra to do?
(a) Put the puppy in the truck bed.
(b) Start up the truck.
(c) Come into the pasture with her.
(d) Go back to the house.

11. What does Nyle choose to do?
(a) Memorize the Gettysburg Address.
(b) Study Ben Franklin's comments on the Constitution.
(c) Read about how the atom was discovered.
(d) Write about Anne Frank.

12. What does Nyle pretend?
(a) That Ezra is staying for a long time.
(b) That she is Ezra's girlfriend.
(c) To have a rock in her shoe so she has to lean over to avoid seeing the person in the driveway.
(d) That she does not see Muncie.

13. Who does Nyle talk about who was a carpenter?
(a) Her uncle.
(b) Mr. Harris.
(c) Her grandfather.
(d) Her father.

14. Where does Nyle sit?
(a) All the way to the back.
(b) In the row behind Muncie.
(c) She gets off the bus.
(d) All the way to the front.

15. What makes Nyle anger that she runs back to the house?
(a) Thinking about the government's lies.
(b) Seeing a little fawn that is obviously suffering from radiation poisoning.
(c) Seeing a dead squirrel with radiation boils.
(d) Thinking about her father.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who enters the kitchen as Gran and Nyle are talking?

2. What does Muncie say about everyone?

3. What does Mr. Perry want Nyle to do?

4. What does Nyle think the kids believe about her and Ezra?

5. Is the farm safe to inhabit?

(see the answer keys)

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