Phantastes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phantastes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the three giants that Anodos and the two brothers have to battle possess as they threaten the country?
(a) Impenetrable armor.
(b) A bridge that is their only escape route.
(c) Magic swords.
(d) A castle.

2. What is Anodos feeling as he thinks about how to make the white lady appear?
(a) Fright.
(b) Puzzlement.
(c) Certainty.
(d) Revulsion.

3. How does the king react to Anodos when the king finds out the results of the battle with the three giants?
(a) He gives Anodos his own kingdom to rule.
(b) He makes Anodos an honorary son.
(c) He punishes Anodos.
(d) He knights Anodos.

4. Why does Anodos choose singing to make the white lady appear when he is in the crimson hall?
(a) Singing soothes him.
(b) The dancers tell him to sing.
(c) Singing is what woke her in the stone cave.
(d) He doesn't know how to play an instrument.

5. In the crimson hall, what do the dancers do when Anodos begins to sing to make the white lady appear?
(a) They dance slower.
(b) They dance faster.
(c) They accompany him.
(d) They stop dancing.

6. In the crimson hall, where does the white lady appear as Anodos sings?
(a) In an open coffin.
(b) Lying on a marble bench.
(c) On her pedestal.
(d) In a chair.

7. What do the goblin-like creatures Anodos meets on his journey in the hole tell him?
(a) The white lady is not meant for him.
(b) The white lady is in love with him.
(c) To go back.
(d) The location of the white lady.

8. Why can't Anodos go back the way he has come through the hole?
(a) The opening is flooded.
(b) A rock has fallen which blocks his way.
(c) A mist blocks his way.
(d) The opening behind him has closed without a trace.

9. What does Cosmo notice about his room as it is reflected in the mirror?
(a) It looks like Anodos'own room.
(b) It looks like the ogre's hut.
(c) It is unchanged.
(d) It seems to come to life.

10. What does Anodos serve as to the knight in rusty armor as Anodos continues his new journey through the forest?
(a) A knight of equal rank.
(b) Squire.
(c) Lord.
(d) Jousting opponent.

11. When Anodos investigates the sound of an anvil clanging, what does he discover the two brothers are forging?
(a) Horseshoes.
(b) An iron grate.
(c) Kitchen utensils.
(d) A sword.

12. What does the lady in the mirror ask Cosmo to do after she walks into his room?
(a) Escort her to a party.
(b) Marry her.
(c) Free her.
(d) Forget about her.

13. How does Anodos feel in his new home beneath the ground?
(a) Content.
(b) Claustrophobic.
(c) Confused.
(d) Depressed.

14. Why does Anodos stop singing to make the white lady appear when he sees the musical instrument In the crimson hall?
(a) He is startled by a high-pitched scream.
(b) He has lost his voice.
(c) He has given up trying to make the white lady appear.
(d) He needs to retrieve the instrument.

15. In what other place did Anodos have the same feeling he has in the crimson hall?
(a) The cave where he found the white lady.
(b) The ogre's hut.
(c) The knight's hut.
(d) The farmhouse.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Anodos been walking through the hole when he sees the old woman who turns into a beautiful maiden?

2. How is Anodos able to find his way to the mainland from the island?

3. How does Anodos end up on a shoreline after the rock walls of the hole close in on him?

4. What do Anodos and the two brothers leave behind when they go to battle the three giants as the giants approach the tower?

5. How does Anodos communicate his feelings for the white lady to the goblin-like creatures?

(see the answer keys)

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