Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the acting director of Public Affairs at Customs when O'Rourke's book was written?
(a) Mario Perez.
(b) Albert Collins.
(c) Dick Weart.
(d) Mike Mullin.

2. O'Rourke is critical of the way that America hands over food, aid and arms to what country?
(a) Iraq.
(b) Iran.
(c) China.
(d) Afghanistan.

3. What is the official office of the Drug Czar?
(a) Association of National Drug Reduction Policy.
(b) Office of National Drug Control Policy.
(c) Association of American Drug Reduction Policy.
(d) Office of American Drug Control Policy.

4. Every year, O'Rourke attended a meeting of his hometown where people crowd into where?
(a) A high-school gym.
(b) A community center meeting hall.
(c) The council chambers.
(d) A church.

5. Who said, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die"?
(a) Dick Weart.
(b) Albert Collins.
(c) Mario Perez.
(d) Mike Mullin.

6. Who is the author of a book about the failure of poverty programs called "Losing Ground"?
(a) Denise Adams.
(b) Boyd Hobbs.
(c) Yolanda Harrison.
(d) Charles Murray.

7. What is the name of the Colonel who O'Rourke met while he was observing Operation Just Cause?
(a) Jon Elrod.
(b) Drew Dotson.
(c) Mike Snell.
(d) Alex Wulpi.

8. O'Rourke says the hysteria over drugs in the middle class could be the product of what?
(a) A corrupt prison system.
(b) Agoraphobia.
(c) Sexist.
(d) Racism.

9. What is the name of the alliance that O'Rourke traveled into poverty stricken areas with?
(a) Guardian Angels.
(b) Times Square.
(c) Idealists.
(d) Phoenix House.

10. What was O'Rourke's family's socioeconomic status when he was a child?
(a) O'Rourke grew up in a poor family.
(b) O'Rourke grew up in a very wealthy family.
(c) O'Rourke grew up in poverty and lived in government housing.
(d) O'Rourke grew up in a middle-class family.

11. What does O'Rourke call the people who join special interest groups?
(a) Permanently Violent.
(b) Perennially Indignant.
(c) Enduringly Inflamed.
(d) Perpetually Vehement.

12. O'Rourke attended a housing rally for what group?
(a) Housing Now!
(b) Housing Needs!
(c) Housing for All!
(d) We Want Housing!

13. O'Rourke considers what war to be a rare success for U.S. foreign policy?
(a) The war in Korea.
(b) The war in Afghanistan.
(c) The war in Japan.
(d) The war in Vietnam.

14. How did O'Rourke feel about the USS Mobile Bay?
(a) He thought it was a waste of government money.
(b) He saw it as a terrible move for foreign policy.
(c) He was unimpressed.
(d) He thought it was a great investment by the government.

15. How much money does O'Rourke believe the government wastes on farm subsidies?
(a) Billions of dollars.
(b) Hundreds of millions of dollars.
(c) Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
(d) Millions of dollars.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many poor people in America live in homes with a heated pool or a Jacuzzi, according to George Gilder?

2. How much was the bailout of the savings-and-loan industry?

3. How many poor people does O'Rourke say ask him for money on his way to work every day?

4. At the town meeting which O'Rourke attended, the elderly retired people sat where?

5. What was the school drop-out rate in O'Rourke's town?

(see the answer keys)

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