Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the manuscript turn out to be?

2. What kind of car does Dirk drive?

3. What words does LCDR Boland have tattooed on his arm?

4. Whose responsibility is it to plot the new search area for the Martha Ann after Dirk's interpretation of the evidence?

5. How does Dirk send a message back to the Martha Ann from the Starbuck?

Short Essay Questions

1. Capt. Cinana quotes a Naval saying: "Those that lie deep in the Atlantic Sea Are recalled by shrines, wreathes and poetry, But those who lie in Pacific Sea Lie forgotten for all eternity." What does this mean?

2. Boland refers to himself as "the skipper" of the Martha Ann. What is a skipper?

3. Dirk sees no need to show up on time to his "date" with ADM Hunter (to report for duty). How is this reflective of both Dirk's personality and his attitude towards ADM Hunter?

4. In the hotel bar in Chapter 3, Adrian makes the statement: "Considering your amateur standing and less than mediocre talents, you're vastly overpriced. Whom is she speaking to and what does she mean?

5. Cussler gives a good description of rip tides after Dirk has swum out beyond the breakers at Kaena Point. Describe them, why they are dangerous and explain how best to swim through them if caught in one.

6. What is a possible explanation for the food being gone after only five days? (Remember ADM Hunter makes it clear that they recently left port and should have enough for the entire crew for 90 days.)

7. What are some of the ways that Dirk knows that Summer is neither a government agent nor an American?

8. Dirk notes some distinct oddities about the Starbuck's final resting place and the condition. Describe what these oddities mean.

9. Why is the Martha Ann disguised to look like a rust-bucket merchant ship?

10. Cussler also provides good information about shark behavior and risks. What is it?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Analyze the character of Captain Orl Cinana. Captain Cinana's reaction to Dirk when he arrives in ADM Hunter's office for the first time is somewhat markedly different from the attitudes of the others yet changes that same evening at the bar. Identify other inconsistencies in Cinana's character and identify how they fit with the revelation of Cinana's actual role in the plot.

Essay Topic 2

Carefully analyze the "real" condition of the Starbuck with respect to international maritime law. Whose waters is she sitting in and who can rightfully claim her? How do the laws of maritime salvage govern this kind of at-sea loss? Most importantly, how does this contribute to the urgency and top-secretiveness in the plot?

Essay Topic 3

As the Martha Ann gets underway, headed towards the Pacific Vortex, Dirk reflects on the unusual group of people he has been mixed up within the last two days. What do his reflections on these people reveal about his thoughts on this mission? Do his summaries of the people seem to be roughly accurate?

(see the answer keys)

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