Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Dirk's plan of action on the Martha Ann with only two hours to go before dark falls?

2. How long is the hull of the Starbuck?

3. Who is Dirk initially talking to in the bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel?

4. What unusual equipment does LT Stanley sight on the first wreck that the Martha Ann discovers?

5. What does George Papaaloa ask Dirk about progress on that that Dirk had recently been diving to find?

Short Essay Questions

1. A gray Dodge van pursues Dirk and the driver of the van begins shooting at Dirk before attempting to run him off the road. Unravel the mystery. Who has the motive, knowledge, and opportunity to tip off "Them," whoever "They" might be, to Dirk's presence and interested activity?

2. Acting on a hunch, Dirk goes to the Polynesian history museum to visit a friend well versed in the history and culture of the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands. Why?

3. Why is Dirk's helicopter a necessary component of the crew on the Martha Ann?

4. Dirk notes some distinct oddities about the Starbuck's final resting place and the condition. Describe what these oddities mean.

5. What two things does the receptionist at ADM Hunter's office assume of Dirk Pitt when he arrives in his bathing suit?

6. What are some of the ways that Dirk knows that Summer is neither a government agent nor an American?

7. How does Dirk determine that Hunter's crew has been searching the wrong area?

8. Capt. Cinana quotes a Naval saying: "Those that lie deep in the Atlantic Sea Are recalled by shrines, wreathes and poetry, But those who lie in Pacific Sea Lie forgotten for all eternity." What does this mean?

9. "Perhaps Pitt could do the impossible after all." These words go through Boland's mind after he hears that Pitt is radioing the Martha Ann from the Starbuck. There are several other references throughout the book so far that indicate Dirk has a reputation for being the sort of person who makes the wildly improbable succeed effortless. Who else has said this and where is that perception originating?

10. In the hotel bar in Chapter 3, Adrian makes the statement: "Considering your amateur standing and less than mediocre talents, you're vastly overpriced. Whom is she speaking to and what does she mean?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

ADM Sandecker tells Dirk, "an enemy agent wouldn't have to use muscle [on you]. They'd simply send their most seductive Mata Hari to the nearest bar and let you pick her up." What does this statement mean and what is the inference being made about Dirk's character? Analyze this statement in the context of all you know about the character of Dirk Pitt. Does it seem to be a fair or consistent statement? Provide evidence from the book to support your conclusions.

Essay Topic 2

ADM Hunter says, "I'll not confuse the issue with a personal problem," in response to Dirk's question as to whether he has informed the men plotting to blow up the seamount that his daughter is being held hostage there. How does this statement capture the essence of ADM Hunter's character throughout the book?

Essay Topic 3

As the Martha Ann gets underway, headed towards the Pacific Vortex, Dirk reflects on the unusual group of people he has been mixed up within the last two days. What do his reflections on these people reveal about his thoughts on this mission? Do his summaries of the people seem to be roughly accurate?

(see the answer keys)

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