Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What smell does Dirk suddenly recognize as the fog begins to envelop the Martha Ann?
(a) Smoke.
(b) Eucalyptus.
(c) Melting plastic.
(d) Sulfur.

2. Who does Dirk report the attack on Adrian to?
(a) The Honolulu police.
(b) ADM Hunter.
(c) The Pearl Harbor Shore Patrol.
(d) The hotel security team.

3. What kind of shark meets Al as he speeds towards the surface with Adrian?
(a) None.
(b) Mako.
(c) Hammerhead.
(d) Great White.

4. What is the rescue schedule for the Starbuck when Dirk, Al and the Navy team return to the Pacifc Vortex?
(a) 10 hours.
(b) 90 minutes.
(c) Four and a half hours.
(d) Two hours and 45 minutes.

5. How does the Starbuck break free of the ocean floor?
(a) Aftershocks from a spontaneous undersea earthquake.
(b) A sudden cold water upwelling.
(c) Luck.
(d) Shock waves from the Monitor's missile strike.

6. What does Dirk do for Al's injured hand?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He uses a scrap of Summer's dress to make a tourniquet.
(c) He wraps it in seaweed.
(d) He gives him his swim trunks as a bandage.

7. What argument does Summer use to convince Delphi not to shoot Al and Dirk inside the seamount?
(a) That he should not being death and bloodshed within his home.
(b) That she's afraid of guns.
(c) That she loves Dirk.
(d) That the blood will stain the floor.

8. Who is Lavella?
(a) A marine biologist who specialized in gill evolution.
(b) A mathematician who specialized in ocean current prediction.
(c) A geologist who specialized in underwater topography.
(d) A physicist who specialized in hydrology.

9. What s the first indication that the Martha Ann is in danger at the beginning of Chapter 11?
(a) Sudden change in sea state.
(b) A thick fog coming up from the ocean surface.
(c) Sudden radio silence.
(d) A continuous thumping sound coming from the bottom of the hull.

10. Who does Dirk go in search of before taking off in the helicopter?
(a) The helmsman.
(b) LCDR Boland.
(c) More of "Them" to kill.
(d) SN Farris.

11. Who is "Big Daddy?"
(a) The group of Navy SEALS on the rescue team.
(b) Dirk's nickname for Al Giordino.
(c) Code-name for the Starbuck rescue team.
(d) Code-name for ADM Hunter back in Pearl Harbor.

12. How does Al prevent Delphi's gun from killing Dirk?
(a) He secretly unloads the ammunition when Delphi is distracted.
(b) He jams the trigger, preventing it from being pulled back.
(c) He sticks his finger in the gun barrel.
(d) He puts his finger between the hammer and the striker pin.

13. Who is LT Robert Buckmaster?
(a) The Marine officer in charge of taking the transmitter station.
(b) A former navy officer who defected to Delphi.
(c) Head of Shore Patrol at Pearl Harbor.
(d) Crowhaven's nav officer.

14. What is the Joint Chiefs' decision on what to do with the Starbuck?
(a) Return as soon as possible to restart the salvage expedition.
(b) Mangle her so that her missiles cannot be launched and then raise her later.
(c) Leave her where she is.
(d) Cover her with motion activated sensors so they can track the activity of Delphi and his men.

15. How is Dirk's death intended to appear?
(a) As though he vanished of his own free will after accepting money for secrets.
(b) Like he eloped with Adrian.
(c) Accidental drowning.
(d) Like a mob hit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two scientists does Dirk report to when he arrives at Pearl Harbor after the attack in his hotel room?

2. Who is Summer?

3. What is Delphi's relationship to Frederick Moran?

4. What new ship do Dirk and Al discover while on their underwater mission?

5. Who wakes up Dirk after he reaches his hotel room and falls asleep after leaving the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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