Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the narrator of Chapter 2?
(a) LT Carter.
(b) ADM Hunter.
(c) CDR Dupree.
(d) Dirk Pratt.

2. What is Barf the Magic Dragon?
(a) The Martha Ann's mascot.
(b) A sea shanty the crew of the Martha Ann made up.
(c) A shark killing gun.
(d) An anti-seasickness remedy.

3. What accounts for the ocean turning a greenish color as the Martha Ann approaches the shallower water of the seamount?
(a) Source unknown.
(b) Toxic waste spewing from the submarine's damaged reactor.
(c) Vegetation growing on the seamount.
(d) A dye marker in the water.

4. Why is one reason the Navy doesn't consider the Starbuck's commanding officer's last statement of position to be credible?
(a) They believe the Russians planted the manuscript.
(b) They don't believe in the Pacific Vortex.
(c) They believe Dirk is perpetrating a hoax.
(d) They don't trust ADM Hunter.

5. What is the hull number of the Starbuck?
(a) 999.
(b) 899.
(c) 989.
(d) 698.

6. Who says to Dirk: "If you keep staring at me, I'll be forced to charge you admission."?
(a) The blonde girl from Dirk's fifth grade class.
(b) Adrian Hunter.
(c) Capt. Orl Cinana
(d) Summer Moran.

7. How does LCDR Boland mark the position of the submarine in case they are forced to abandon the site?
(a) An electronic waterproof signal transmitter.
(b) A dye marker.
(c) A floating flag buoy.
(d) An anchored liferaft.

8. What is unusual about the security on the Martha Ann?
(a) There is none, it's not supposed to be a Naval vessel.
(b) The security guards operate in total darkness.
(c) They require three forms of id from Dirk in addition to official orders from ADM Hunter.
(d) They conduct a full body pat-down search prior to allowing entrance to the ship.

9. Why does the Martha Ann appear old and rusted?
(a) She is salvaged from the scrap yard.
(b) She's over forty years old.
(c) Clever camouflage paint.
(d) The sailor's are more interested in maintaining the battleships than a salvage ship.

10. What does the message say that the NUMA zoologist received against a microphone he is using to record fish sounds?
(a) Einstein's relativity equation.
(b) Directions to the nearest port.
(c) An equation for finding the water pressure at the depth the microphone is located.
(d) A physical description of a coven of mermaids.

11. What strikes Dirk as odd about the galley and lounge area of the Starbuck on his initial recon mission with LT March?
(a) There is no paper and nothing perishable.
(b) The tv is still working.
(c) There is no corrosion on anything.
(d) There are stacks of dirty dishes, but no soap.

12. How does Dirk describe the smell of a working port as he arrives for his departure on the Martha Ann?
(a) A heady aroma of saltwater and Hawaiian flowers with just a hint of gasoline to indicate the work at hand.
(b) Nauseating and faintly reminiscent of times at sea he'd rather forget.
(c) Reeking of seaweed and petrol with a touch of seagull crap mixed in.
(d) Oil, gasoline, tar and smoke, with a tinge of saltwater.

13. Who is Dirk initially talking to in the bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel?
(a) Commander Burdette Denver.
(b) Lieutenant Summer Moran.
(c) Lieutenant Commander Paul Boland.
(d) Captain Orl Cinana.

14. What is the time lapse between the disaster that befell the ship and the beginning of the narrative that ADM Hunter relates?
(a) Five days.
(b) Six months.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) Unknown.

15. What is Dirk's military rank?
(a) Captain.
(b) Lieutenant Colonel.
(c) Major.
(d) Ensign.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Dirk at the opening of the book?

2. What does the manuscript turn out to be?

3. Why does ADM Sandecker say that Dirk is a security risk because he's read the manuscript?

4. Why doesn't Dirk want to leave the Martha Ann on the helicopter to go and get the salvage team?

5. How does Dirk decide who to give the manuscript to?

(see the answer keys)

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