Out of This Furnace Test | Final Test - Hard

Thomas Bell (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of This Furnace Test | Final Test - Hard

Thomas Bell (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who takes family pictures before Mikie leaves to catch a train back to New York?

2. Who breaks the news to Mary about Mike's death?

3. Who is Tighe?

4. Who has the union groups' charters revoked?

5. Who is in the meeting with management for Dobie's mill?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who comes in from New York for George's funeral? What feelings does Dobie express about living and working in Braddock to Mikie? What does this once again say about Dobie's resolve?

2. What does the company warn workers about concerning union recognition? Is Dobie swayed by the warnings? Explain how his feelings towards the company's warnings mirror his father's voting practices earlier in the book.

3. In Chapter 1 of Part 4, which character becomes the third generation's main character of the story line? Describe this character.

4. At the beginning of Part 2, Chapter 11, what ongoing crisis is taking place in Mike and Mary's household? What do Mike and Mary not agree on as a resolution to their problem?

5. How does Dobie's private life change during the Depression? What happens in his work life?

6. Who owns the hotel in East Pittsburgh where Dobie stays? Why is this a good thing for Dobie? How does Dobie make money with his electrical skills?

7. What happens after the rank -and-file delegates meet from different lodges? What does the union do to help the bargaining committees? Why is the unions' stance unfair?

8. What does Julie tell Dobie after the funeral? Why has their financial situation gotten even worse with George's death?

9. Describe Mary's life and her children's after Mike's death.

10. At the beginning of Part 4, Chapter 11, what is happening to unions in steel towns? What does this mean for union workers such as Dobie?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What specific benefits are realized by each succeeding generation, beginning with George's journey to America?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss in sequence specific actions that Dobie takes concerning unions that exemplify his tenacity for fighting for his beliefs.

Essay Topic 3

When George arrives in New York, he and Zuska and her husband go separate ways. Even though George has Zuska's sister's address in Pittsburgh, and he is obviously attracted to her, he makes no effort to contact her in the upcoming years. What are the possible reasons for his lack of initiative?

(see the answer keys)

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