On Fortune's Wheel Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Fortune's Wheel Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Soon after they begin walking, what do Birle and the Lord find?

2. What question from Birle turns the Lord reticent for two days?

3. What does Orien do to mark their presence where he and Birle are stranded?

4. What happens to Birle when she realizes she has been spotted by the thief?

5. What do Birle and the Lord do to keep themselves distracted while stranded on the rock?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Ker and Torson's treatment of Orien and Birle.

2. In what ways does Birle demonstrate her independence and usefulness to the reader and Orien in Chapter 3?

3. What convinces the Lord to accept Birle as a traveling companion?

4. Chapter 2 discusses a brief family background of Birle's. Who is Granda, Gran, Lyss, Da, and Nan and how are they related to Birle?

5. What tactics does Birle use in attempts to draw out her time spent with the Lord?

6. Describe the encounter between the dog, the Lord, and Birle. What about Birle's character is expressed through her actions?

7. Why does Birle keep trying to prolong the time she spends with the Lord, and how does she do this in the beginning of Chapter 5?

8. In the beginning of Chapter 2, the mysterious man is asleep while Birle lies awake, yet she is unafraid. What makes her not fear this man?

9. What are some speculations Birle makes about why the Lord is running away from home?

10. What leads Birle to suspect that perhaps the Lord might have committed a wrongdoing against another Lord?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The setting is extremely important to the novel. Although Birle and Orien are from the Kingdom, they end up many places outside of it. Discuss the importance of setting. What does it accomplish? What is the setting of the novel and what are a few examples of the places Birle and Orien travel to. What is their importance?

Essay Topic 2

Birle had the chance to live an easy life with no work as a Lady. In the beginning, she had wanted the escape from her Inn duties but it seems that at the end, she has changed her mind. What has brought this change about? Why does she refuse the life of a Lady and go back to one where she must do all the work herself? What are her reasons for leaving Orien and not telling him? Is she right to do so? How is she finally taking control of her Fortune's Wheel with this decision?

Essay Topic 3

Although not said specifically, the idea of karma (what goes around comes around) is hinted at several times throughout the book. Define karma and what you think it means. Find the examples in the book which exemplify karma.

(see the answer keys)

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