On Fortune's Wheel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Fortune's Wheel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the law for second marriages for commoners?
(a) It is not allowed but Nan was an exception.
(b) It is allowed once the first wife has been dead five years.
(c) It is not allowed.
(d) It is allowed with some restrictions.

2. What does the Lord tell Birle about the life of a wife of a huntsman?
(a) They become drunks yet life a life of luxury.
(b) They become drunks and cheat on their husbands.
(c) They become fine ladies and are always happy.
(d) They live a life of luxury yet cheat on their husbands.

3. What does Birle suggest so that she does not have to part from the Lord?
(a) She says she will travel with him as his brother.
(b) She says she will travel with him as his wife.
(c) She says she will travel with him as a servant.
(d) She says she will travel with him as his sister.

4. What is the name of the Inn?
(a) The Falcon Inn.
(b) The Winged Falcon.
(c) The Falcon.
(d) The Falcon's Wing.

5. What does Birle learn about the Lord's character in Chapter 3?
(a) He is a quick man who can invent a lie and story.
(b) He is a dull man who wants to become more learned of the world.
(c) He is a slow man who knows nothing.
(d) He is a resourceful man who understands how to read the signs of nature.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the Lord agree to take Birle with him on his journey?

2. What is Da's reason for protesting against Birle's engagement to Muir?

3. On the first evening, what does Birle attempt to request of the Lord?

4. What happened to the one woman that Orien loved?

5. What is the only name by which Birle says she knows of her mother's father?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Orien pretend to be like Ker and Torson when the brothers begin to look at Birle as a woman?

2. Near the end of Chapter 5, the Lord is very sorrowful and then complains about having to sleep in a boat. Briefly describe just what he says and what his words tell us about his character.

3. What are some speculations Birle makes about why the Lord is running away from home?

4. Briefly describe what happened with the woman Orien loved.

5. What drives Birle to suggest that she travel with the Lord, and what compels him to agree?

6. In what ways does Birle demonstrate her independence and usefulness to the reader and Orien in Chapter 3?

7. How could the initial encounter between Birle and the thief be described?

8. What tactics does Birle use in attempts to draw out her time spent with the Lord?

9. Where should Birle be in the beginning of Chapter 1 instead of where she is, and why is she not there?

10. What new information do we find out about Birle's family and life in Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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