The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom was Eumaeus raised?
(a) Laertes.
(b) Odysseus.
(c) Ctimene.
(d) Telemachus.

2. How is Odysseus, the old stranger, received by the swineherd in Book 14?
(a) With suspicion - strangers tell tall tales about Odysseus' whereabouts.
(b) With much hospitality despite his appearance.
(c) With indifference - he's only going through the motions.
(d) Poorly - the swineherd sets the dogs on him.

3. Where is Odysseus going in the morning in Book 23, the day after the battle with the suitors?
(a) To complete is quest to make peace with Poseidon.
(b) To the farm.
(c) To the mountains.
(d) To his cave for his treasures.

4. Once Odysseus realizes he's in Ithaca, what does Athene advise him to do?
(a) Send a secret message to Penelope.
(b) Hide his goods in a corner of the nearby cave.
(c) Disguise himself and see the suitors.
(d) Reveal himself to his loyal swineherd.

5. Why does Odysseus find sleep difficult in his home in Book 20?
(a) He picked an uncomfortable spot to keep up his rouse.
(b) With the old body that Athene has given, he has many aches and pains.
(c) He wishes to be in his marriage bed.
(d) He's wondering how he is going to slay the suitors alone.

6. What is the name Odysseus the beggar gives as his own in Book 19?
(a) Idomeneus.
(b) Aethon.
(c) Deucalion.
(d) Iphitus.

7. Why doesn't Eumaeus want the old man to tell him tales of his master?
(a) He's convinced Odysseus is dead.
(b) It doesn't look like he has the means to travel.
(c) He's been told not to speak Odysseus' name.
(d) Many travelers will tell tales for food and clothing.

8. Why is Telemachus skeptical that he and Odysseus can handle the suitors without help?
(a) Odysseus has suffered for many years and it's taken a toll on his body.
(b) Odysseus isn't as young as he used to be.
(c) There are more than 100 suitors haunting their halls.
(d) Telemachus is untried in battle.

9. When Eurymachus' negotiations fail, what plan do the suitors make to escape from Odysseus' palace alive?
(a) Everyone wants to be the leader, so they spend their time squabbling.
(b) They want to attack all together then raise the alarm.
(c) They form a phalanx trying to protect themselves.
(d) Someone should try the back door and get into town.

10. As Odysseus tells Eumaeus his story in Book 14, how does he say he earns a living and makes a name for himself?
(a) As a pirate.
(b) As a priest.
(c) As a scholar.
(d) As a soldier.

11. Which suitor eases Penelope's fears for her son in Book 16?
(a) Medon.
(b) Antinous.
(c) Amphinomus.
(d) Eurymachus.

12. How does Athene disguise Odysseus on Ithaca?
(a) She makes him look like Telemachus, since Telemachus in still in Sparta.
(b) She makes him look old and dresses him in smelly rags.
(c) She makes him change his clothes and wear a mask.
(d) She just changes his eyes and hair.

13. Who tries to help the suitors in Book 22 by grabbing the armor and weapons?
(a) Melanthius.
(b) Some slave maids.
(c) Eurycleia.
(d) Agelaus.

14. What test does Odysseus give his son in Book 16?
(a) Odysseus wants to see if Telemachus can follow the plan.
(b) Odysseus is waiting to see how his son fares in combat.
(c) He is not to tell a soul that Odysseus has returned to Ithaca alive and well.
(d) Odysseus has instructed Telemachus to find the loyal servants of the house.

15. According to Penelope, when did Odysseus say it was acceptable for her to remarry?
(a) When Laertes dies.
(b) When Telemachus is a bearded man.
(c) After Telemachus gets married.
(d) When 21 years have passed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sets up the axes for the trial of the bow?

2. What does Odysseus do during the voyage home in Book 13?

3. What ultimately exposes Odysseus' identity to Penelope?

4. At his first feast in his own house, who throws a stool at Odysseus the beggar?

5. What does Eurymachus offer Odysseus in Book 22 from the remaining suitors to make amends for their behavior at his house for so long?

(see the answer keys)

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