The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At his first feast in his own house, who throws a stool at Odysseus the beggar?
(a) Antinous.
(b) Eurymachus.
(c) Melanthius.
(d) Medon.

2. Which reveler refuses to give anything to Odysseus the beggar, who has come to witness his first feast?
(a) Antinous.
(b) Medon.
(c) Melanthius.
(d) Eurymachus.

3. Which suitor eases Penelope's fears for her son in Book 16?
(a) Medon.
(b) Antinous.
(c) Eurymachus.
(d) Amphinomus.

4. When Eurymachus' negotiations fail, what plan do the suitors make to escape from Odysseus' palace alive?
(a) Everyone wants to be the leader, so they spend their time squabbling.
(b) They form a phalanx trying to protect themselves.
(c) They want to attack all together then raise the alarm.
(d) Someone should try the back door and get into town.

5. Who gives Odysseus the bow that Penelope is using in her contest for the suitors?
(a) Orsilochus.
(b) Eurytus.
(c) Hercules.
(d) Iphitus.

6. Who does Telemachus first slay among the suitors during the battle in the hall?
(a) Eurymachus.
(b) Amphinomous.
(c) Peisander.
(d) Antinous.

7. How does Penelope initially react to Eurycleia's news about Odysseus and the suitors?
(a) She hits her.
(b) She runs out to see.
(c) She cries for shame.
(d) She doesn't believe her.

8. In Book 24, In the halls of the dead, what were the heroes' shades discussing?
(a) Their great deeds in life.
(b) The funeral of Agamemnon.
(c) The fate of Odysseus.
(d) The funeral of Achilles.

9. Who is the first in the hall to notice Odysseus the beggar?
(a) Antinous.
(b) Melanthius.
(c) Telemachus.
(d) Eumaeus.

10. What sign does Odysseus give to his father so he believes that Odysseus has returned?
(a) He tells him about his scar.
(b) He tells him the number and type of trees growing in the vineyard.
(c) He tells him about the bed in the palace.
(d) He tells him about his mother in the underworld.

11. In Book 24, which of the suitors' shades tells the tale of their death to Agamemnon?
(a) Eurymachus.
(b) Amphimedon.
(c) Amphinomous.
(d) Antinous.

12. Which suitor scorns Odysseus the beggar at the second feast which he attends, in Book 20?
(a) Antinous.
(b) Ctesippus.
(c) Eurymachus.
(d) Amphinimous.

13. Why is Telemachus skeptical that he and Odysseus can handle the suitors without help?
(a) Odysseus has suffered for many years and it's taken a toll on his body.
(b) Odysseus isn't as young as he used to be.
(c) There are more than 100 suitors haunting their halls.
(d) Telemachus is untried in battle.

14. In Book 14, where does a disguised Odysseus tell Eumaeus he is from when asked?
(a) Troy.
(b) Pylos.
(c) Ithaca.
(d) Crete.

15. What will the winner of the beggars' fight in Book 18 get from the suitors?
(a) Fed for the week and given a new robe and tunic.
(b) The goat paunch and always attend their feasts as the sole beggar.
(c) To be the sole beggar of the house.
(d) Shipped off to King Ecteus, who will cut his nose and ears.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who throws an ox-hoof at Odysseus the beggar?

2. Where is Telemachus supposed to put all the fighting gear that lies about Odysseus' hall?

3. Among the suitors, who tried to use the bow first?

4. In Book 19, what does Odysseus the beggar tell Penelope has kept Odysseus away so long?

5. What is the name Odysseus the beggar gives as his own in Book 19?

(see the answer keys)

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