The Odyssey Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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The Odyssey Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is special about the cattle and flocks of the Sun?
(a) They never die or have young.
(b) They are used for special feasts of the gods.
(c) They are there for the wanderer to use.
(d) They are tended by the gods themselves.

2. Who reads the sign given while Telemachus calls upon Zeus in Book 2?
(a) Aegyptius.
(b) Eurymachus.
(c) Halitherses.
(d) Mentor.

3. Athene instructs Nestor to help Telemachus on the next leg of his journey. What does he supply?
(a) Nestor gives Telemachus horses and one of his sons.
(b) Nestor gives Telemachus treasure, a map and one of his sons.
(c) Nestor gives Telemachus supplies and a guide.
(d) Nestor gives Telemachus another ship and one of his sons.

4. According to Nausicaa, to whom should Odysseus first appeal when he gets to the court in Book 6?
(a) One of the servants.
(b) Nausicaa's oldest brother.
(c) Nausicaa's mother.
(d) Nausicaa's father.

5. How is Odysseus, the old stranger, received by the swineherd in Book 14?
(a) Poorly - the swineherd sets the dogs on him.
(b) With suspicion - strangers tell tall tales about Odysseus' whereabouts.
(c) With much hospitality despite his appearance.
(d) With indifference - he's only going through the motions.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 16, Where do Telemachus' gifts go?

2. According to Circe, how should Odysseus get past the Sirens while listening to their song?

3. As Odysseus tells Eumaeus his story in Book 14, how does he say he earns a living and makes a name for himself?

4. Which of his six remaining sons does Nestor send with Telemachus in Book 3?

5. What does Aeolus give Odysseus in Book 10?

(see the answer key)

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