Notes of a Native Son Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Notes of a Native Son Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through A Question of Identity.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is dehumanization of the Negro inseparable from?
(a) The loss of our own identity.
(b) The loss of racial identity.
(c) The loss of Negroes to slavery.
(d) The loss of African American identity.

2. What does Baldwin regard as the most important thing about the film Carmen Jones?
(a) The changes it suggests about the lives of Negroes.
(b) The questions it leaves about the relationship between Whites and Negroes.
(c) The questions it leaves in the mind relate more to inferior life of Americans.
(d) The impression it leaves about the realities of Negro life.

3. What was the political affiliation of the Amsterdam Star-News?
(a) Independent.
(b) Democrat.
(c) Progressive.
(d) Republican.

4. In the chapter, A Question of Identity, how does Baldwin learn about his struggle for identity in the world?
(a) By speaking with Parisians.
(b) By observing others and examining his own growth.
(c) By studying at a Parisian University.
(d) By observing the lifestyle of the French African.

5. What are there more of in Harlem than any other ghetto in the city?
(a) Homes.
(b) Churches.
(c) Prisons.
(d) Grocery Stores.

Short Answer Questions

1. How has Harlem changed since Baldwin's parents' lifetime?

2. How was the 1955 production of Carmen Jones different than previous productions?

3. What does Baldwin say must sustain the American Negro in the present?

4. According to Baldwin, what feeling did the American Negro and the French Negro share?

5. How is history and the progress of the Negro described in the chapter entitled Many Thousands Gone?

(see the answer key)

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