The Night of the Iguana Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night of the Iguana Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maxine say it is humiliating not to be?
(a) Respected
(b) A man
(c) Loved
(d) Married

2. What does Latta say is the only thing that Shannon is good for?
(a) Lying in a hammock
(b) Drinking rum
(c) Gambling
(d) Sleeping with whores

3. What does Maxine say she and Fred considered a long conversation?
(a) Saying goodnight
(b) Eye contact
(c) A hug
(d) Two grunts

4. What does Latta ask Larry for?
(a) His gloves
(b) The bus key
(c) His prayer book
(d) Money

5. Who is Shannon writing a letter to?
(a) A bishop
(b) An ex-girlfriend
(c) His mother
(d) His brother

6. What is the name of the gaucho in the limerick?
(a) Numero
(b) Leroy
(c) Bruno
(d) Jose

7. How does Shannon say he will get into town?
(a) Bicycle
(b) Car
(c) Rollerblades
(d) Bus

8. What does Shannon say Fred may have thought Maxine had turned into?
(a) A hen
(b) A cow
(c) A whore
(d) A pig

9. What did Shannon's mother used to hit him with?
(a) A shoe
(b) A horse whip
(c) A hairbrush
(d) A rope

10. What does Hannah describe her relationship with Nonno like?
(a) A nightmare
(b) A home
(c) A chore
(d) A dream

11. What are the cubicles lighted with?
(a) Candles
(b) Oil lamps
(c) Electric lamps
(d) Gas lamps

12. What did the man ask to have of Hannah's?
(a) A necklace
(b) A strand of hair
(c) An item of clothing
(d) A picture

13. Who does Maxine say the little fatman looks like?
(a) Edward Robinson
(b) Jake Latta
(c) Adolf Hitler
(d) Al Capone

14. Who does Hannah say it is easy for her to make connections with?
(a) Religious people
(b) Fellow travelers
(c) Unhappy people
(d) Men

15. What does Shannon say he has been accused of being?
(a) Insane
(b) Perverse
(c) Defrocked
(d) Gay

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Shannon threaten to throw his cross?

2. Where did Hannah meet the second man?

3. What does Shannon recite?

4. Who does Shannon say he does not want to end up with?

5. In what state did Shannon have his church?

(see the answer keys)

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