Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the three-hundred-year-old Romanov dynasty end in March, 1917?
(a) Michael also abdicates the throne.
(b) Alexandra also abdicates the throne.
(c) Alexis also abdicates the throne.
(d) The revolutionaries assassinate the Romanovs.

2. The official announcement is, initially, that the Tsar is executed and the rest of the family is ___________ in the evacuation of Ekaterinburg.
(a) Lost.
(b) Granted asylum.
(c) Re-educated.
(d) Exiled.

3. Which Rasputin ally is appointed as Vice-President of the Duma in October 1916?
(a) Alexander Trepov.
(b) Boris Sturmer.
(c) Alexander Protopopov.
(d) Ivan Goremykin.

4. What is the house in Ekaterinburg where the Romanovs live called?
(a) The House of Nicholas.
(b) The House of Special Dispensation.
(c) The House of Romanov.
(d) The House of Special Purposes.

5. By what criteria does Rasputin judge people?
(a) By their morals and character qualities.
(b) By their committment to the Orthodox Church.
(c) By their view of him and his life style.
(d) By his view of them and their life style.

6. As Nicholas returns to Petrograd, why is the train detoured to Pskov?
(a) Another train is derailed ahead on the tracks.
(b) A fallen tree is ahead on the tracks.
(c) Revolutionary troops are ahead on the tracks.
(d) A rock slide is ahead on the tracks.

7. In January 1919, a special investigator finds the mine with its evidence of the ___________ of the Romanovs.
(a) Bodies.
(b) Belongings.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Jewels.

8. While Alexis is traveling during the fall of 1915, he suffers a nosebleed. His mother credits Rasputin with stopping the bleeding; however, what is the most likely reason the hemorrhage stops?
(a) The bleeding stops naturally on its own.
(b) Alexis bleeds to death.
(c) Rasputin miraculously heals Alexis.
(d) Doctors cauterize the broken vessel.

9. The Provisional Government sends a request to England for _____________ for Nicholas and his family.
(a) Psychiatric help.
(b) Food and clothing.
(c) Medical treatment.
(d) Asylum.

10. What happens five days after the Tsar relinquishes control of the government?
(a) The government collapses.
(b) The entire Romanov family is assassinated.
(c) Alexis hemorrhages.
(d) Revolutionaries storm Tsarskoe Selo.

11. The Catherine Palace is being used as a _____________.
(a) Hospital.
(b) Palace.
(c) School.
(d) Prison.

12. On what date does the provisional government receive official recognition from the United States?
(a) March 15, 1917.
(b) March 21, 1917.
(c) March 22, 1917.
(d) March 31, 1917.

13. Family members and friends of the Romanovs believe the revolution is coming from:
(a) Outside.
(b) Below.
(c) Above.
(d) Within.

14. The plan is for Nicholas and Alexandra to travel to _____________ and then to ____________ once the children are well.
(a) Murmansk; Moscow.
(b) England; Murmansk.
(c) Murmansk; England.
(d) Moscow; Ekaterinburg.

15. In November, after the Bolsheviks take key positions in Petrograd and Kerensky goes into hiding, with him go the dream of a _________ Russia.
(a) Parliamentarian.
(b) Democratic.
(c) Republican.
(d) Monarchist.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the Stavka relocated to?

2. With the Tsar at the front, a substitute autocrat is to be found. Who fills this role?

3. What is the name of the treaty that brings peace between Russia and Germany in the spring of 1918?

4. By the summer of 1915, the Tsar is at the front, but is in actuality a figurehead. Who is actually in charge of the army?

5. What year do the Germans target as the year to force the Russians out of the war?

(see the answer keys)

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