Necessary Losses Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Necessary Losses Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Lillian Rubin, the sexual difference between men and women leads to what in a marriage relationship?
(a) A perfect partnership.
(b) Superficial friendship.
(c) Separation and divorce.
(d) Intimate strangers.

2. Men pursue ______________; women yearn for _______________.
(a) Autonomy; intimacy.
(b) Deep relationships; one night stands.
(c) Excitement; safety.
(d) Sex; cuddling.

3. Parents have trouble seeing their children as what?
(a) A part of themselves.
(b) Competent humans.
(c) Anything but perfect.
(d) Separate people.

4. The title of Chapter 12 lists what?
(a) Types of parenting styles.
(b) Types of friendships.
(c) Types of teenagers.
(d) Types of adults.

5. In Chapter 14, Viorst lists what about her hometown?
(a) How the different relationships impact the town.
(b) The various houses she lived in.
(c) A list of families and their children's tragic choices.
(d) The best places to eat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Simone de Beauvoir once said, "Old age is life's ___________."

2. A man in his forties confessed to Viorst that he reviewed his life insurance policy after he was diagnosed with what?

3. What sort of thing did Selena's children no longer want her to do when they separated?

4. According to Chapter 20, Viorst is living on what to beat her middle-aged spread?

5. Which famous author's daughter suddenly died at the age of 24?

Short Essay Questions

1. Name two of the stages of mourning that Viorst describes in Chapter 16.

2. What are a few of the difficulties of a marriage relationship mentioned in Chapter 13?

3. What types of unexpected emotions can we feel towards friends? How do they impact our friendships?

4. According to the book, when does the way we will handle aging begin?

5. How does baggage from childhood put pressure on a marriage?

6. Viorst describes a sort of "opposites attract" type marriage relationship where each party meets a neurotic need of the other party. What did she call this type of arrangement?

7. Viorst suggests two necessary losses in Chapter 14. Name one of them.

8. In thinking about losses as a lifelong theme, name some of the juxtapositions that Viorst discusses in Chapter 20.

9. What is described as the ultimate separation in Chapter 18?

10. According to Freud, is it unusual to have sexual feelings toward friends? How does this impact our friendships with the opposite sex?

(see the answer keys)

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