The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After crossing the open field, who is missing?
(a) Hearn.
(b) Wilson.
(c) Martinez.
(d) Croft.

2. During a flashback of Cummings, the reader learns that he enjoyed sewing and sketching as a child, however his father did not approve. What was his father's action upon learning Cummings was partaking in womanly activities?
(a) His father did nothing.
(b) He was forbidden to continue the activites.
(c) He was sent to military school.
(d) His father took him to work at his factory.

3. At this point the soldiers have turned around and are making their way back to the beach. What is the general feeling of the soldiers toward Croft?
(a) Hatred.
(b) Confidence.
(c) Herosim.
(d) Friendship.

4. What is Dalleson's aspirations for his career?
(a) Return home and become a teacher.
(b) Become a Major.
(c) Retire from the Army.
(d) Become a Captain.

5. During a conversation with Gallagher about killing a Japanese soldier, Martinez begins to feel guilty and also begins thinking about death. As he thinks about these things, he wishes there was a chaplain with the men. Why does Martinez wish there was a chaplain with them?
(a) To receive communion.
(b) In case he dies.
(c) So he can learn about God.
(d) So he can confess.

6. In Part 2, Chapter 13, after further conflict with Hearn, what does Cummings decide to do?
(a) Have Hearn transferred again.
(b) Have Hearn demoted.
(c) Have Hearn lead a reconnaissance patrol.
(d) Have Hearn court-martialed.

7. How is the leader of the patrol through pass killed?
(a) Bullet in the Chest.
(b) Fell off the mountian.
(c) Killed by Croft.
(d) Grenade.

8. In Part 3, Chapter 2, why do the men become uneasy as they leave the jungle?
(a) They are out in the open.
(b) Many men have died.
(c) There is a battle going on.
(d) There is more work to do out of the jungle.

9. What does Martinez hope to gain by remaining loyal to the Army?
(a) Advancement.
(b) He will become a hero.
(c) Lifelong friends.
(d) He will be able to support his family.

10. Which soldier carrying Wilson pretends to faint?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Brown.
(c) Ridges.
(d) Goldstein.

11. In Part 3, Chapter 5, at night Wilson is very vocal. How does Brown try to keep him quiet?
(a) Reads him letters from home.
(b) Gives him pain killers.
(c) Massages his head.
(d) Gives his whiskey.

12. What does Cummings believe is the way to power?
(a) Women.
(b) War.
(c) Politics.
(d) Money.

13. What does Croft do when Roth finds the injured bird?
(a) Kills it.
(b) Cares for it.
(c) Makes fun of Roth for caring for it.
(d) Let's it go.

14. Which soldier stays with the soldier who pretends to faint?
(a) Ridges.
(b) Stanley.
(c) Goldstein.
(d) Brown.

15. As Croft looks at the mountain, why is he frustrated?
(a) He did not travel as far as he wanted to.
(b) He must lead the troops over it.
(c) There is a battle on the other side of the mountian.
(d) He will never get to climb it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Minetta give for Goldstein feeling sorry about a man who died in the hospital?

2. One night on the mountain, Martinez expresses his wish for a chaplain. At this, Polack tells the men his opinion of religion. How does Polack feel about religion?

3. In Part 3, Chapter 4, why does Hearn think the men resist his leadership?

4. Cummings was the commander of the entire island, however, his part in the actual campaign is questionable. What is Cummings responsibility to the success of the attack compared to?

5. The men have almost reached the summit and Croft is the only one who wants to continue to the top. What causes the men to turn back down in the mountain?

(see the answer keys)

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