Man's Search for Meaning Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man's Search for Meaning Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Experiences in a Concentration Camp" (through page 115).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the liberation of the camp, why does the SS take most of the remaining prisoners?
(a) To send them to Switzerland.
(b) To kill them.
(c) To torture them so that they would not speak of their experiences.
(d) To take them to another camp.

2. What does the author think about during difficult moments?
(a) His religion.
(b) His love for his wife.
(c) His favorite recipe.
(d) His favorite poem.

3. What did the prison car that Frankl took pass?
(a) A beautiful lake.
(b) A beach.
(c) His old home.
(d) His mother's home.

4. What kind of sickness affected most of the prisoners in 1945?
(a) Herpes.
(b) Typhus.
(c) Scarlet Fever.
(d) Measles.

5. Why does Dr. Frankl describe that he sits next to corpses "crawling with lice" but they did not bother him?
(a) He was thankful, as he looked at these corpses, that he had not yet died.
(b) This was a space where he could find short periods of solitude.
(c) He was happy, sitting near these corpses, thinking about the lives that he was able to save as a doctor.
(d) He mentions this to illustrate the ideas that he was so emotionally detached that he simply didn't care who was near him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Was there art in the concentration camp?

2. In the most difficult moments of our existence, what does Frankl suggest is the salvation of man?

3. How does the author describe the Capos?

4. Why does the author, himself a concentration camp survivor, write, "We know: the best of us did not return"?

5. Why were dead men thrown on trains transporting prisoners to different concentration camps?

(see the answer key)

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