Maniac Magee Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Maniac Magee Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After leaving the East End, where does Maniac stay?
(a) Back at the deer shed.
(b) With his aunt and uncle.
(c) On a park bench.
(d) At the zoo with the buffalos.

2. What did Grayson want to grow up to be?
(a) A park ranger.
(b) A restaurant owner.
(c) A baseball player.
(d) A zoo keeper.

3. In what way does Maniac get his schooling?
(a) Maniac studies in the library.
(b) Grayson teaches him from old books.
(c) Maniac goes to school.
(d) He buys old books from the library.

4. What does Maniac say to the passersby when he first runs to Two Mills?
(a) "Hi."
(b) "Who are you?"
(c) "What day is it?"
(d) "Where am I?"

5. What happens to Amanda for the first and only time in Chapter 3?
(a) She is late to school.
(b) She trips and falls.
(c) She lends one of her books.
(d) She falls in love.

6. How do the Pickwells know when it is dinnertime?
(a) Mrs. Pickwell sends the dog for them.
(b) Mrs. Pickwell rings a bell.
(c) Mrs. Pickwell hollers for them.
(d) Mrs. Pickwell whistles.

7. Why doesn't McNab want to pitch to Maniac?
(a) Maniac is not on the Green Sox.
(b) He is a runt who is not on the league.
(c) Maniac's shoes are flapping.
(d) He knows Maniac can hit the ball.

8. What does Maniac do to make McNab pitch the ball to him?
(a) He challenges McNab.
(b) He stands at the bag and waits.
(c) He takes a hat off another player.
(d) He insults McNab.

9. How do Hester and Lester react to Maniac?
(a) They tell him to go away.
(b) He is their new best friend.
(c) They ignore him.
(d) They cry.

10. Where did Grayson play baseball?
(a) In the Majors.
(b) In the Minors.
(c) In vacant lots.
(d) In high school.

11. What do Maniac and Grayson do right after Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) Dance the polka.
(b) Play cards.
(c) Play baseball.
(d) Sleep.

12. Who does Grayson say took Maniac's buffalo rag clothes away?
(a) The US Army.
(b) The street cleaners.
(c) The Sanitation Department.
(d) The buffalo.

13. What is the confetti made out of that the townspeople throw for Maniac's celebration of untying the knot?
(a) Newspaper.
(b) The Children's Crusade.
(c) Amanda's Encyclopedia.
(d) Lyle, Lye Crocodile.

14. What kind of story does Amanda give to Maniac?
(a) The Children's Crusade.
(b) Children's Poetry.
(c) A book about puppies.
(d) Grimm's Fairy Tales.

15. With what is Finsterwald's backyard filled?
(a) Children.
(b) Balls and Frisbees.
(c) Gravestones.
(d) Cats.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the people of Two Mills give Jeffrey his nickname?

2. What does the neighborhood woman use to stop Mars Bar Thompson?

3. Why does Maniac say Amen after Grayson finishes reading his first book?

4. What position did Grayson play?

5. Why does Grayson take Maniac to the equipment room?

(see the answer keys)

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