Long Time Coming Test | Final Test - Easy

Sandra Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Long Time Coming Test | Final Test - Easy

Sandra Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Law believe Marnie needs a man in her life?
(a) To provide a buffer between Marnie and David.
(b) To provide a better income for Marnie and David.
(c) To protect Marnie from people like Law.
(d) To provide a role model for David.

2. What does Law ask Marnie to be at the end of the novel?
(a) His personal artist
(b) The mother of his future children
(c) David's nanny
(d) His housekeeper

3. Marnie say Law does not know the meaning of ____________________.
(a) Trust
(b) Fidelity
(c) Committment
(d) Quality time

4. What does Marnie stop Venus from eating in Chapter 10?
(a) Guacomole dip
(b) Bean dip
(c) Cheese dip
(d) Jalapeno dip

5. What is character growth?
(a) When a character ages through the course of a story.
(b) When a character shows physical changes in a story.
(c) When a character changes appearance through the course of a story.
(d) When a character shows a change in maturity through the course of a plot.

6. What does Marnie discover in her mother's drawer while visiting the rest home?
(a) Stationery
(b) A newly written will
(c) Law's business card
(d) Illegal drugs

7. What gift does Marnie notice Law has bought for David when she goes into David's room accidentally in Chapter 16?
(a) A new bike
(b) A television
(c) A gaming system
(d) A computer

8. What does David think of Law's relationship with his mother?
(a) David believes Law was in love with Sharon and still is.
(b) David believes Law treated Sharon well, considering their ages at the time.
(c) David believes Law used Sharon badly and resents him for it.
(d) David believes Law was not respectful of Sharon.

9. Who selected David's middle name?
(a) His mother
(b) His grandparents
(c) A nurse at the hospital
(d) Marnie

10. How long does Law claim to have been in the spare bedroom with Marnie in Chapter 16?
(a) An hour
(b) Days
(c) A few minutes
(d) All night

11. What does Marnie recognize in the handwriting of the letters Law has received?
(a) Marnie sees the handwriting is similar to Law's.
(b) Marnie sees the handwriting is similar to her own.
(c) Marnie sees that the handwriting is similar to her mother's handwriting since the stroke.
(d) Marnie sees that the handwriting is similar to Sharon's.

12. What is the reason David believes he was conceived?
(a) Because Sharon missed one of her birth control pills.
(b) Because Sharon hoped a child would trap Law into marriage.
(c) Because Law failed to use birth control.
(d) Because Law wanted a child.

13. What is Law talking about in his kitchen with his pilot buddies in Chapter 10?
(a) Their favorite sports teams
(b) Their missions in space
(c) Their children
(d) Their exploits, mostly Law's

14. Who does David believe his biological mother is in Chapter 12?
(a) David suspects his grandmother is his biological mother.
(b) David suspects Suzette is his biological mother.
(c) David suspects Marnie is his biological mother.
(d) David suspects his math teacher is his biological mother.

15. What does Law give David for his birthday?
(a) A new television
(b) New clothes
(c) A new stereo
(d) A Lotus

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marnie make Law promise he will never tell David in Chapter 14?

2. What part of parenthood does Marnie claim Law will never experience?

3. What conclusion does Marnie come to after her mother's funeral regarding David?

4. Who does Marnie see coming out of a bedroom at Law's house?

5. Why was David's middle name chosen?

(see the answer keys)

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