The Little Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the pilot sees the snake in Chapter XXVI, what does he do?
(a) Runs for the hills.
(b) Goes for his revolver.
(c) Throws stones at it until it slithers away.
(d) Laughs it off.

2. What color is the muffler which the little prince wears around his neck?
(a) Black as night.
(b) White as snow.
(c) Golden.
(d) The color of his flower.

3. When he emerges from the desert, where does the little prince go?
(a) He opes to find water in the nearest town.
(b) He sits down and has a little rest.
(c) He gets a ride in the pilot's airplane.
(d) He climbs a high mountain.

4. What does the little prince know about the pilot's engine in Chapter XXVI?
(a) That the pilot has fixed it.
(b) That it is going to be a long time before it gets mended.
(c) That the snake has stolen the crucial parts.
(d) That it will never run.

5. What is unique about the fifth planet, the lamplighter's planet?
(a) It is the smallest.
(b) It is made of soft rubber.
(c) It is spinning at an incredible rate.
(d) There are so many people running around and singing.

6. If all humanity were to stand upright and crowd together how much space would they take up, according to Chapter XVII?
(a) They could be placed in the branches of one baobab tree.
(b) The state of Texas.
(c) One public square twenty miles long and twenty miles wide.
(d) They would fill all of Africa and Asia.

7. Night falls and the pilot and little prince are walking in the dark. What do they think of the desert in the moonlight?
(a) There is no hope in the desert, all is lost.
(b) The desert is a good place to die.
(c) The desert is beautiful.
(d) The desert is like the stars, full of pieces that cannot be understood.

8. After arriving on the earth and meeting his first earth creature, what does the little prince do?
(a) He find the pilot.
(b) He makes a map of the desert.
(c) He gives up and goes home.
(d) He crosses the desert.

9. The little prince discovers a rose garden. What is it about this rose garden that makes him so sad?
(a) He believes there is too much beauty to take in.
(b) He realizes that his flower is not the only one of her kind in the universe.
(c) He feels inferior to to the flowers.
(d) He falls in love with all the roses.

10. What word is used to describe the great pageant of the lamplighters around the world, taking turns to bring light into the darkness?
(a) Complicated.
(b) Boring.
(c) Idiotic.
(d) Magnificent.

11. What does the first creature the prince meets on earth say he is more powerful than?
(a) The finger of a king.
(b) The truth.
(c) The thundering elephant.
(d) The shining sun.

12. Who is dying of thirst in the desert?
(a) The little prince is smaller and more susceptible to dying of thirst.
(b) Both the pilot and the little prince. The pilot's thirst is physical ,and the little prince needs spiritual awakening.
(c) The pilot is dying of thirst. The little prince is not human and does not need water.
(d) Neither are dying of thirst. They are only panicking. It is not really a problem.

13. How many kings are on earth, according to the pilot?
(a) Thousands upon thousands.
(b) 16.
(c) 111.
(d) Too many.

14. Which does the narrator say there are more of on earth, geographers or conceited men?
(a) There is an even number of both.
(b) Conceited men.
(c) Geographers.
(d) All geographers are conceited men.

15. In the rose garden, the little prince has to face a difficult fact about himself. What is it?
(a) That he made a terrible mistake by leaving his planet.
(b) That he will never be able to love his flower as he wants to.
(c) That the things he thought were so rare and valuable are quite common and small.
(d) That he doesn't care much about his life.

Short Answer Questions

1. The imagery of water is used in "The Little Prince" to represent the life-giving force, whether it is physical or spiritual. What then does this thirst-quenching pill represent?

2. What does the little prince hope to see from the high peak in Chapter XIX?

3. At what time of day does the pilot find the well?

4. What is the final drawing which the little prince requests from the pilot?

5. How many roses are in the garden that the little prince discovers?

(see the answer keys)

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