Light in August Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light in August Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hightower's grandfather wear during the Civil War?
(a) A business suit
(b) A minister's frock
(c) A plain pair of pants and simple shirt
(d) A foreign uniform

2. What does Byron Bunch tell Hightower he is going to do with the cabin on Miss Burden's property?
(a) Move Lena in so she can have her baby in peace
(b) Expand the whiskey business
(c) Use it as a storeroom
(d) Sell drugs

3. How does the relationship between Christmas and Miss Burden evolve?
(a) He becomes the manager of her farm.
(b) They become lovers.
(c) The friendship cools off after a year.
(d) They become best friends.

4. To where does Miss Burden make arrangements for Christmas to go?
(a) A negro college
(b) Auto mechanic school
(c) Florida for a vacation
(d) Back to Chicago

5. What does Christmas do on the side without telling Miss Burden?
(a) Sells drugs
(b) Takes art classes
(c) Sees other women
(d) Sells whiskey

6. What does the sheriff tell Byron he will do?
(a) Send Joe Brown/Lucas Burch to the cabin that night
(b) Let Byron talk to Christmas about the murder
(c) Provide extra protection for Lena in the cabin
(d) Give Byron a ride to the train station

7. How has Hightower always perceived his parents?
(a) As two ghosts inhabiting the same house
(b) As the best parents a child could ever have
(c) As good business partners
(d) As two people very much in love

8. Why does Byron need Hightower to get involved with Christmas' plight?
(a) Because Hightower is Christmas' gay lover
(b) Because Hightower is also a lawyer
(c) Because Hightower knows people in high places
(d) Because Hightower is still a man of God

9. What does Byron do when he returns to town?
(a) Buys a new suit
(b) Tells his landlady that he is moving
(c) Donates all his money to the church
(d) Takes all his money out of the bank

10. How does the fading afternoon light seem to Hightower?
(a) sentimental
(b) rosy
(c) sad
(d) audible

11. Why does Lena move into the cabin?
(a) She is tired and needs a place to rest.
(b) Her baby is due soon and she wants to give her child a home.
(c) She does not want to return home.
(d) She thinks it is Lucas Burch's house.

12. What does Hightower ask Lena to do when he returns to the cabin later that day?
(a) To marry Byron so the baby will have a father in his life
(b) To let him be the godfather of the new baby
(c) To not force Byron to stay with her because she has another man's child
(d) To name the baby after him

13. Why do the townspeople leave the old couple alone?
(a) Because the old woman talks too much
(b) Because the old couple does not want to be bothered
(c) Because the man preaches to Negroes and acts crazy in public
(d) Because the old couple has a contagious disease

14. Instead of leaving town like the sheriff thinks he will do, what does Byron do that night?
(a) He finishes packing his household goods.
(b) He hides outside the cabin and watches Brown arrive and then leave quickly by the back door.
(c) He stays with a friend.
(d) He goes to the bar to say goodbye to his buddies.

15. What does Mrs. Hines reveal to Hightower?
(a) That she would like to lead a choir someday
(b) That she has never been to Jefferson before
(c) That she respects his position in the community
(d) That Christmas is the bastard son of their deceased daughter, Milly

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brown give to the Negro boy in the woods?

2. What final horror is inflicted on Christmas before he dies?

3. How is Christmas killed?

4. What does the old man do when he hears that Christmas has killed a white woman?

5. Who does Byron bring to Hightower's house?

(see the answer keys)

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