Light in August Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light in August Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hightower ask Lena to do when he returns to the cabin later that day?
(a) To let him be the godfather of the new baby
(b) To not force Byron to stay with her because she has another man's child
(c) To marry Byron so the baby will have a father in his life
(d) To name the baby after him

2. What happens after Byron approaches Brown near the railroad tracks?
(a) The two men struggle and Byron falls onto the train tracks.
(b) The two men struggle and Brown leaps onto a passing train.
(c) Brown agrees to return to town and marry Lena.
(d) Byron pays Brown to leave town.

3. To where does Miss Burden make arrangements for Christmas to go?
(a) Back to Chicago
(b) A negro college
(c) Auto mechanic school
(d) Florida for a vacation

4. Where is Christmas finally able to relax and sleep?
(a) In an old cabin
(b) In an abandoned mine
(c) In a ditch
(d) In the wagon of a stranger

5. What does Miss Burden insist that Christmas do every day to prove his faithfulness?
(a) Bring her chocolates
(b) Check for a love letter in a hollow tree
(c) Write her a poem
(d) Pick her some flowers

6. How does Milly Hines die?
(a) Giving birth to Christmas
(b) In a house fire
(c) By taking sleeping pills
(d) In a car accident

7. Of what does Hightower accuse Byron of doing?
(a) Selling out Christmas to help his pregnant girlfriend's lover get the thousand-dollar reward
(b) Initiating an inappropriate relationship with the pregnant Lena
(c) Running bootleg whiskey with Christmas
(d) Hiding the whereabouts of Lena's former lover

8. The sheriff has his men beat a Negro so that he will them what?
(a) That Miss Burden was crazy
(b) That Christmas and Brown lived in the cabin
(c) That Miss Burden had a lot of enemies
(d) That no one would ever hurt Miss Burden

9. Who is the National Guard soldier who stakes out Christmas with his troops?
(a) Joe Brown
(b) Percy Grimm
(c) Calvin Burden
(d) Lucas Burch

10. Who does Byron bring to Hightower's house?
(a) Lucas Burch
(b) Lena's parents
(c) Mr. and Mrs. Gould
(d) Mr. and Mrs. Hines

11. What does Brown give to the Negro boy in the woods?
(a) A piece of candy he had in his pocket
(b) A note asking for the reward money to be brought to Brown in the woods
(c) A harmonica to play so he will not be scared in the dark woods
(d) The threat of a beating if the boy tells about Brown's location

12. Why does Hightower think he let down the people of Jefferson?
(a) Because he was not a very good fund raiser
(b) Because he was not very high up in his class at the seminary
(c) Because he wanted to allow Negroes to attend services
(d) Because he tried to support church leadership instead of tending to the spiritual needs of the people.

13. What does Christmas come to understand about women?
(a) When they finally surrender completely, it is going to be in words.
(b) They are all very moody at times.
(c) They are basically the same no matter what their age.
(d) Some are always going to be good and some are always going to be bad for you.

14. What does Hightower learn when he returns to town?
(a) That Byron has stolen money from his Bible
(b) That Byron has admitted to murdering Miss Burden
(c) That Byron has quit his job and left town without saying goodbye
(d) That Byron wants to see Christmas hanged

15. What does Hightower's grandfather wear during the Civil War?
(a) A minister's frock
(b) A foreign uniform
(c) A plain pair of pants and simple shirt
(d) A business suit

Short Answer Questions

1. The baby's first cry also has a strong emotional release for Byron. Why?

2. How is Christmas killed?

3. What happens to Hightower after the delivery of the baby?

4. Why does Byron need Hightower to get involved with Christmas' plight?

5. What does Miss Burden leave out for Christmas every Saturday?

(see the answer keys)

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