Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Lewis (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Lewis (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ranieri is the guru of the _____ industry.
(a) Dream.
(b) Junk bond.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) Thrift.

2. Which company becomes Salomon Brothers' biggest competitor soon after mortgage trading becomes a viable investment entity?
(a) Drexel Burnham.
(b) First Boston.
(c) Merril Lynch.
(d) Goldman Sachs.

3. What type of help does Congress give thrifts in 1981?
(a) Debt consolidation.
(b) The government bought thrifts.
(c) Tax breaks.
(d) Ten-year interest-free loans.

4. Ranieri tells Gutfreund that he is selling the [mortgage bond] technology for a _____.
(a) Good price.
(b) Stable of horses.
(c) Pound of flesh.
(d) Hill of magic beans.

5. The ____ outlook of traders enables traders to exploit the weakness of their customers with virtual impunity.
(a) Short-term.
(b) Wide.
(c) Narrow.
(d) Long-term.

6. What is the expression that describes a customer who has gone under as a result of a trade?
(a) Wiped out.
(b) Excised.
(c) Blown up.
(d) Disintegrated.

7. Steve Roth and Scott Brittenham make millions of dollars trading _____.
(a) Small Business Administration loans.
(b) Junk securities.
(c) Federal project loans.
(d) Corporate bonds.

8. "The opportunist" is sane in every respect except that his _____ was stratospheric.
(a) Self-importance.
(b) Accumulated wealth.
(c) Accumulated debt.
(d) Self-loathing.

9. What is Latin for "buyer beware"?
(a) Caveat emptor.
(b) Semper fedelis.
(c) Quid pro quo.
(d) Meum dictum pactum.

10. A guiding principle of Salomon Brothers that Tom Strauss iterates to the author is that customers have _____.
(a) Short memories.
(b) Long options.
(c) Big wallets.
(d) Small brains.

11. Howie Rubin is picked up by which company when he is fired from Merrill Lynch?
(a) Bear Stearns.
(b) Shearson Lehman.
(c) Salomon Brothers.
(d) Drexel Burnham.

12. What author does the author recommend to his Prussian colleagues?
(a) John Suskind.
(b) Anthony Robbins.
(c) Sun-Tzu.
(d) Dale Carnegie.

13. What type of ideas does Herman want for his investment?
(a) Ancient.
(b) Current.
(c) Gut.
(d) Smart.

14. What ritual of the London office is fairly renowned in New York?
(a) Working late hours.
(b) Wine at work.
(c) Going to France on the weekends.
(d) Two-hour lunches.

15. By getting thrift managers to trade their bonds actively, Ranieri's sales force could transform a shy, nervous thrift president into a _____.
(a) Maniacal gambler.
(b) Screaming maniac.
(c) Glutton for food.
(d) Drug addict.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mark Smith enters the mortgage department in 1985 and is considered a _____ by the author.

2. What spins out of control at Salomon Brothers in 1987?

3. What is more relevant than a bad joke because it moves markets?

4. This person is charged with coordinating all deals on the trading floor.

5. Michael Milken works for which company?

(see the answer keys)

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