Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why didn't the Palanese ever export his work?
(a) They bought it all
(b) They are ashamed of his work, so never let the public see it
(c) His work was never copywritten
(d) They like his work too much to export it

2. What two physical traits does Shanta say her baby will possess?
(a) He will be tall and lean
(b) He will be endomorphic and viscerotonic
(c) He will be intelligent and chubby
(d) He will be athletic and toned

3. God ____ ______ ______?
(a) has forgiven me
(b) has merciful wonder
(c) is punishing me
(d) glows and flames

4. Where does Will want to go in the morning?
(a) To Britain
(b) The High Altitude Station
(c) Home to America
(d) The Experimental Station

5. How did Will view Aunt Mary's love?
(a) Quiet and serene, like a slow moving river
(b) As a kind of physical radiation
(c) It was chokingly powerful
(d) Like a perpetually blooming flower

Short Answer Questions

1. What was significant about Gobind's grandmother?

2. What religious word is mentioned throughout Chapter 10?

3. Gobind Singh struck up a friendship with who Paris that influenced his work?

4. How old is the baby Shanta is nursing?

5. Who is one of Murugan's heroes?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain why Mrs. Narayan is a justified optimist.

2. Why does Mrs. Rao believe that Pala is the place for stupid people?

3. What does Will say about what Colonel Dipa will bring to the island?

4. What is the difference between the Palanese use of Pavlovian conditioning versus the rest of the world?

5. How are animals treated on Pala versus the rest of the world?

6. What does Will notice about the differences between Lakshmi and Aunt Mary?

7. What are the differences between what Will remembers about the Oedipus play and what Mary recounts?

8. In Pala, what is "grace" and how does this version of "grace" differ from ours?

9. How does AI contribute to a better destiny for the people of Pala?

10. Describe how Dr. Robert deals with Lakshmi's death.

(see the answer keys)

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