Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the primary focus of Palanese education?
(a) Mathematics
(b) Family studies
(c) The sciences of life
(d) Biology

2. What is Murugan looking at that he shouldn't have been?
(a) A Sears, Roebuck and Co. catalogue
(b) A book on "Waging War in a Modern World"
(c) Pornography
(d) A book entitled "Taking over the world, in three easy steps!"

3. What does the Rani think about a MAC?
(a) Its a good idea for everyone else, but not good enough for her son
(b) The idea even is blasphemy, only God can create mothers
(c) She doesn't care one way or the other about it
(d) Its a good idea and she likes it

4. What is Leela's vocation?
(a) She is a teacher of the yoga of love
(b) She is a nurse in training
(c) She is a social worker
(d) She is a scientist

5. What does Shiva-Nataraja do?
(a) Demands obedience
(b) Rules completely
(c) Plays a drum
(d) Dances through planes of existence

6. How old is the baby Shanta is nursing?
(a) Thirteen months
(b) Eight months
(c) Eighteen months
(d) Six months

7. What do the Palanese do about individuality?
(a) They teach others to respect each other's differences
(b) They assess and classify them
(c) They integrate individuality into acceptance
(d) All of the below

8. How does the Rani address Will?
(a) Mon cher Farnaby
(b) Dearest Will
(c) Darling Will
(d) My dear Farnaby

9. How did Will view Aunt Mary's love?
(a) Like a perpetually blooming flower
(b) As a kind of physical radiation
(c) Quiet and serene, like a slow moving river
(d) It was chokingly powerful

10. How does Will attempt to describe his experience with the Moksha-medicine?
(a) Enveloping love
(b) Luminous bliss
(c) Radiating comfort
(d) Terrifying darkness

11. Who does Will remember that hurts him so much from his childhood?
(a) Tigger, a cat
(b) Tiger, a dog
(c) Aunt Molly
(d) His best friend, Spencer

12. Who is one of Murugan's heroes?
(a) George Bush
(b) Adolph Hitler
(c) Fidel Castro
(d) Saddam Hussein

13. How does Murugan view the ceremony?
(a) With wonder
(b) With contempt
(c) With respect
(d) With rebelliousness

14. What urgent matter did the Rani call to discuss with Will?
(a) Murugan's appearance at the initiation
(b) Aldehyde's marriage proposal to her
(c) Will's spiritual compass
(d) Oil

15. How do the Palanese teach in comparison to us?
(a) They teach as we would teach in fifteen years
(b) They focus on the here and now versus the then and later
(c) They teach physics and math as opposed to us teaching humanities and art
(d) They don't teach propaganda, whereas we do

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the locals call the mushrooms they consume?

2. What was significant about Gobind's grandmother?

3. Why did Shanta send Tom to talk to Vijaya?

4. What is the word they whisper in a prayer for peace?

5. Gobind Singh struck up a friendship with who Paris that influenced his work?

(see the answer keys)

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