Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Will want to go in the morning?
(a) Home to America
(b) The Experimental Station
(c) To Britain
(d) The High Altitude Station

2. What are the scarecrows?
(a) Great big owls that flap their wings
(b) Life sized marionettes
(c) Gigantic crows
(d) Clothes, stuffed with hay on poles

3. What poet is mentioned?
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Byron
(c) Coleridge
(d) Wordsworth

4. What are the three pillars of Western prosperity?
(a) Anger, universal acceptance, and consumerism
(b) Agriculture, universal debt and planned parenthood
(c) Armaments, universal healthcare and forced obedience
(d) Armaments, universal debt, and planned obsolescence

5. Who calls Will while he is reading?
(a) Murugan
(b) Vijaya
(c) The Rani
(d) Dr. Robert

6. Who shows up at Shanta and Vijaya's house?
(a) Susila and Dugald
(b) Tom Krishna and Mary Sarojini
(c) The Rani and Murugan
(d) Dr. Robert and Susila

7. What does Will say about the light?
(a) It surrounds him
(b) It is far off in the distance
(c) He is approaching it
(d) He is being it

8. What does Dr. Robert believe will be a major political issue when Murugan comes of age?
(a) Shooters
(b) Oil refinement
(c) Scooters
(d) Industrialization

9. Why didn't the Palanese ever export his work?
(a) His work was never copywritten
(b) They bought it all
(c) They like his work too much to export it
(d) They are ashamed of his work, so never let the public see it

10. What should Murugan have been studying?
(a) Andvanced History
(b) Advanced Mathematics
(c) Elementary Physics
(d) Elementary Ecology

11. What kind of staff does Will use?
(a) Pine
(b) Walnut
(c) Bamboo
(d) Willow

12. Gobind Singh struck up a friendship with who Paris that influenced his work?
(a) Leonardo Da Vinci
(b) Van Gogh
(c) Vuillard
(d) Vincente

13. What musician does Susila put on?
(a) Nickleback
(b) Bach
(c) Gabrieli
(d) Beethoven

14. What did Will's teachers try to do about people's differences?
(a) Blow them out of proportion
(b) Iron them out
(c) Make them more than they were
(d) Exploit them for their own gain

15. What was the name of the painter Will took an interest in?
(a) Govind Singh
(b) Gorvind Frasner
(c) Gobind Singh
(d) Vincinte Sorral

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the Rani address Will?

2. What does Vijaya predict the average IQ will be on Pala in a century?

3. Who is meeting Will and Vijaya upon their arrival at the school?

4. What makes Leela happy?

5. Who picks Will up?

(see the answer keys)

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