I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How was the first "drive-in" movie shown in New Jersey in the 1930's?
(a) On a school's outside wall.
(b) In a tennis court.
(c) On Richard Hollingshead's garage door.
(d) In a deserted baseball park.

2. Bryson says there are three types of stores. The first is where you cannot get anyone to help you, and the second is full of clerks who will not leave you alone. What does he say about the third type?
(a) All the clerks have just started working there and do not know a thing.
(b) When you ask about something, the clerk has to ask the manager, who is never around.
(c) The clerks spend all their time talking to each other.
(d) No matter what you ask about, they say it's in "aisle seven."

3. What February holiday does Bryson say is new to him on his return to the United States?
(a) Family Day.
(b) President's Day.
(c) Groundhog Day.
(d) Valentine's Day.

4. What does Bryson mean by the "wasteland"?
(a) The huge variety of television programs available.
(b) Canadian comedy shows.
(c) News programming.
(d) Commercials.

5. What movie is Bryson describing at the beginning of "The Wasteland"?
(a) Avatar.
(b) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
(c) The Brady Bunch.
(d) Magnificent Obsession.

6. In "Highway Diversions," how does Bryson like to pass the time when he is driving on the highway?
(a) By counting the red cars.
(b) By reading the slogans on license plates.
(c) By yelling at other drivers.
(d) By making up songs about the towns they pass.

7. Which American tourist attraction does Bryson describe as a "Total Indoor Environment"?
(a) Yellowstone Park.
(b) Las Vegas.
(c) Opryland.
(d) Disney World.

8. What was the "Millennium Bug" about, in regards to computers?
(a) It was an extremely destructive virus.
(b) No royalties would be paid to computer developers after that date.
(c) At midnight on January 1, 2000 all computers might shut down.
(d) It was a new very tiny computer.

9. How much energy does Bryson say the average American uses compared to the average European?
(a) Half as much.
(b) Just slightly more.
(c) Three times as much.
(d) Twice as much.

10. In "Death Watch," what does Bryson dislike because they are "cold and bouncy and make odd noises."?
(a) Frozen pizza rolls.
(b) Small planes.
(c) Snowmobiles.
(d) Japanese cars.

11. What is Bryson satirizing in "Your New Computer"?
(a) Computer salespeople.
(b) Computer manuals.
(c) Computer stores.
(d) Bill Gates.

12. When Bryson had his first book published, what did his publisher send him to?
(a) A resort to recover from his first book tour.
(b) A course in media training.
(c) The largest book store in New York for a book signing.
(d) A speech coach to get rid of his accent.

13. According to Bryson, when was the first official Thanksgiving held in the United States?
(a) In November of 1864.
(b) In September of 1922.
(c) In August of 1863.
(d) In October of 1640.

14. Why was Bryson unhappy about a flight he and his family took from Minneapolis?
(a) The family was scattered all over the plane.
(b) They couldn't take their cat with them.
(c) The flight attendants couldn't understand Mrs. Bryson's English.
(d) They didn't get fed for six hours.

15. What surprising statistic does Bryson share about the number of lawyers in America?
(a) There is 1 lawyer for every 1,000,000 people.
(b) There is a shortage of them.
(c) There are more of them in the United States than the rest of the world put together.
(d) There is 1 lawyer for every 1,000 people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Bryson astonished to find on his plane on a flight from Boston to Denver?

2. In "The Waste Generation," what does Bryson think is getting worse in the United States, compared to his youth?

3. How many "new" consumer products does Bryson say are launched every year in the United States?

4. When Bryson takes his family to one of the last drive-ins in the area, what is the experience like?

5. Why does Bryson have to buy a whole new computer and fax system when he returns to the United States?

(see the answer keys)

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