I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
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I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Lost at the Movies," which Jurassic Park movie did Bryson take his children to see?
(a) Lost Innocence.
(b) Lost World.
(c) Lost Appetites.
(d) Lost Dinosaurs.

2. After living in Britain for twenty years, what does Bill find refreshingly different about the United States?
(a) The informality.
(b) The government.
(c) The weather.
(d) The fashions.

3. Bryson finds summer blockbuster movies annoying, but what does he have a real problem with?
(a) The behavior of children at the movie.
(b) The cost of admission.
(c) The large cinema complexes.
(d) The cost of popcorn.

4. According to Bill, what product do Americans regard much differently than the British?
(a) Pet food.
(b) Cars.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Over-the-counter drugs.

5. What does Bill find strange about some U.S. commercials?
(a) They cannot show cigarettes.
(b) They have laugh tracks.
(c) They advertise personal hygiene products.
(d) They can be 5 minutes long.

6. How does Bryson begin "Tales of the North Woods?"
(a) He talks about using a snowmobile.
(b) He talks about a college student who left a party and died in the woods.
(c) He talks about shoveling snow.
(d) He talks about the town that disappeared, and no one has found it.

7. According to Bryson, why did a store in Michigan win a case brought against them by a customer?
(a) The store had a right to hire armed guards
(b) It had a really good lawyer.
(c) The customer had a history of suing every business in town.
(d) The store had a right to protect itself from shoplifting

8. What British sport does Bill find dull but restful?
(a) Cricket.
(b) Rounders.
(c) Soccer.
(d) Polo.

9. What does Bryson find amazing about the geography of the United States?
(a) That there is very little variety.
(b) That the United States has no Arctic region.
(c) That it is smaller than Canada.
(d) That so much of the country is empty of people.

10. When Bill phones the computer hotline to ask for help, what information do they ask him for first?
(a) His date of birth.
(b) The computer's serial number.
(c) His address.
(d) His Social Security number.

11. In "How to Have Fun at Home," why does Bill think having your groceries bagged for you is not so great?
(a) It doesn't buy him any quality time.
(b) It makes him feel lazy.
(c) He has to make conversation with the bagger.
(d) He has to tip the bagger.

12. What does Bill say about the way people of the world eat?
(a) Most people don't eat enough.
(b) We eat a huge variety of things.
(c) There are thousands of foods but only a few are eaten a lot.
(d) Most people eat too much.

13. What is one complaint Bryson has about the small towns around him?
(a) That everyone uses their car to get around.
(b) There are no libraries.
(c) That he can't find a decent dentist.
(d) That people are rude.

14. Bryson likes his privacy. Where does he especially find there is a lack of privacy in America?
(a) In public washrooms.
(b) On airplanes.
(c) In telephone booths.
(d) In clothing store changing rooms.

15. What does Bryson think is sad about how things are changing in modern Vermont?
(a) The weather is warming up.
(b) Pollution is increasing.
(c) There are too many Canadians there.
(d) More people now are born outside the state.

Short Answer Questions

1. What particular product in American supermarkets fascinates Bill?

2. What does Bill discuss at the beginning of his essay on design flaws?

3. How many children do the Brysons have?

4. In "Junk-Food Heaven," according to Bill, what kind of food shopper is his wife?

5. What part of the house does Bill regard as delightful and pretty much the same in every American household?

(see the answer keys)

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