I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many languages does Cammie know?
(a) 14.
(b) 7.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

2. What is the weather like on Thursday when the girls are doing their driver's ed class?
(a) Rainy.
(b) Snowy.
(c) Foggy.
(d) Clear.

3. What class does Cammie begin the next afternoon?
(a) Electronics.
(b) Gadgetry.
(c) Computer Technology.
(d) Driver's Education.

4. How does Cammie get away from Josh?
(a) A friend of Josh comes up and distracts Josh.
(b) She tells him she is on restrictions and has to go home.
(c) Bex and Liz create a distraction down the street and Cammie slips away.
(d) She tells him she has to go pick up her little sister.

5. Why do the students go to the Covert Ops classroom so late in the evening?
(a) To discuss a new assignment.
(b) To turn in their gear.
(c) For a debriefing of the assignment.
(d) For a quiet place to talk.

6. Why does Bex attack Macey?
(a) Macey insults the school.
(b) Macey insults Bex.
(c) Macey insults the Headmistress.
(d) Macey insults Liz.

7. What does Cammie find odd about Liz when they are riding with Bex during driver's ed?
(a) Liz seems car sick.
(b) Liz is not terrified of Bex's insane driving.
(c) Liz's attention is on the scenery.
(d) Liz does not seem interested in learning to drive.

8. Where is the covert operations class supposed to meet?
(a) In front of the White House.
(b) Near the Lincoln memorial.
(c) On the Washington Mall.
(d) Outside in street clothes.

9. Why does Bex's attention to Josh wane quickly?
(a) He gives them an insolent grin.
(b) He gives them the Gallagher glare.
(c) He makes an obscene gesture.
(d) He kisses a girl who runs up to him.

10. What does Cammie enjoy about the Culture and Assimilation class?
(a) Lessons on how to be a lady.
(b) Foods they get to eat while practicing manners.
(c) Lessons on various cultures.
(d) Social ball at the end of the class.

11. Cammie does not tell Bex and Liz about ________________.
(a) Her talk with Professor Smith.
(b) Josh.
(c) Her older brother.
(d) Her stolen purse.

12. What do Cammie, Bex, and Liz ask the Headmistress about their living suite?
(a) Why the air conditioned was turned off.
(b) Why a fourth bed is being installed.
(c) Why it is being painted an ugly green.
(d) Why their lockers were removed.

13. What are two things that help create Cammie's "legend'?
(a) Wearing a cross and cat hairs on her clothes.
(b) Wearing a fake braid.
(c) Wearing glasses and a lapel pin of a cardinal.
(d) Wearing square heels.

14. How is the girl who gets out of the limo dressed?
(a) Very conservatively.
(b) In a kung fu uniform.
(c) Punk clothes.
(d) Like an outdoors girl.

15. How did Cammie feel when Josh called her just some girl?
(a) Angry.
(b) Hurt.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Amused.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cammie and Bex's mission?

2. What would Josh be doing if he were a honeypot?

3. What does Cammie find harder than being a spy?

4. At lunch, Macey acts like _______________.

5. What type of people are supposed to attend Gallagher Academy?

(see the answer keys)

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