I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which crime did Caligula reinstate as a capital crime?
(a) Embezzling
(b) Tax Evasion
(c) Treason
(d) Adultery

2. What were the spoils of Caligula's war on Neptune?
(a) Ropes of black pearls
(b) Lobsters and jellyfish
(c) Boxes of seashells
(d) Cartloads of seaweed

3. What number did Germanicus consider especially unlucky?
(a) Twenty-five
(b) Thirteen
(c) Three
(d) Seven

4. What does Livia demand Claudius do to Urgulanilla's baby?
(a) Expose it on a hillside
(b) Sell it into slavery
(c) Strangle it in the cradle
(d) Adopt it as his own

5. What does Caligula begin to dread after he tortures Brassus?
(a) That Jove would smite him for blasphemy
(b) That Brassus's father would seek revenge
(c) That the people would begin to hate him
(d) That he would be assassinated by his guard

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Antonia say that Caligula did to Drusilla?

2. What does Tiberius do after Livia shames him?

3. What does Antonia do after speaking to Caligula about Gemellus's death?

4. How does Tiberius propose rewarding Sejanus for breaking the Leek Green party?

5. Caligula made all the palace men shave their heads because:

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason does Livia give for Tiberius making Caligula his successor?

2. How does the actor, Mnester, prevent a massacre?

3. What does Caligula tell Livia as she is dying?

4. What power does Livia still hold over Tiberius?

5. What does Messalina tell Claudius about becoming emperor?

6. What makes Germanicus happy about being appointed to oversee the eastern provinces?

7. How does Caligula manage to ride a horse across the Bay of Baiæ?

8. Describe some of Caligula's methods for raising money.

9. How does Caligula wage war on Neptune?

10. What metaphor does Claudius use to describe Tiberius's rule?

(see the answer keys)

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