I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Tiberius allow Agrippina to remain alive and free?
(a) She was still under Livia's protection.
(b) She was the mother of his grandchildren.
(c) He was hoping she would consent to marry him.
(d) He still had warm feelings for Germanicus.

2. What does Germanicus fear Plancina is doing?
(a) Stealing money from the treasury
(b) Practicing witchcraft against him
(c) Corrupting his children's discipline
(d) Undermining Agrippina's authority

3. What finally happens to Tiberius's body?
(a) It is left to rot on the Island of Capri.
(b) It is half-burned in the town of Atilla.
(c) It is thrown into the Tiber like a criminal.
(d) It is burned on the Mars Field with honors.

4. What does Claudius suspect happened to Drusilla?
(a) Caligula starved her to death.
(b) She was thrown in the river.
(c) Caligula cut her throat.
(d) She ran away to escape her brother.

5. What agreement do Ælia and Claudius come to regarding their marriage?
(a) That they will live together
(b) That they will survive Tiberius
(c) That they will divorce in two years
(d) That they will not have sex with each other

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the spoils of Caligula's war on Neptune?

2. What finally happens to Plancina?

3. What thought does Claudius comfort himself with as he is made emperor?

4. What condition does Claudius demand of Livia?

5. Caligula amuses the populace by using what class of people as sword-fighters?

Short Essay Questions

1. What power does Livia still hold over Tiberius?

2. Who does Germanicus accuse of murdering him?

3. What happens as a result of Caligula's illness?

4. How does Claudius save the lives of the three noblemen who accompany him to Lyons?

5. What does Claudius hope will happen once Caligula announces his new status as a God?

6. How does the actor, Mnester, prevent a massacre?

7. Describe some of Caligula's methods for raising money.

8. How does Caligula manage to ride a horse across the Bay of Baiæ?

9. What letter does Livia read to Tiberius to keep him under control?

10. What does Caligula tell Livia as she is dying?

(see the answer keys)

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