How to Be an Antiracist Test | Final Test - Easy

Ibram X. Kendi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Be an Antiracist Test | Final Test - Easy

Ibram X. Kendi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did the author's ancestor Eliza marry?
(a) Jack.
(b) Andrew.
(c) Robert.
(d) Lewis.

2. Over what university did Samuel Stanhope Smith preside in early America?
(a) Rutgers.
(b) Princeton.
(c) Harvard.
(d) Yale.

3. When was Message to the Blackman in America written?
(a) 1965.
(b) 1970.
(c) 1969.
(d) 1972.

4. When was the Black Women's Alliance formed?
(a) 1975.
(b) 1955.
(c) 1967.
(d) 1970.

5. What Washington, D.C. prosecutor asked at an MLK birthday celebration in 1995, "Did Martin Luther King successfully fight the likes of Bull Connor so that we could ultimately lose the struggle for civil rights to misguided or malicious members of our own race" (113)?
(a) Nicholas Wade.
(b) Eric Holder.
(c) Jamie Johnson.
(d) Edward Byron Reuter.

6. When did Harriet Tubman lead the Combahee River slave raid?
(a) 1869.
(b) 1863.
(c) 1875.
(d) 1899.

7. Who wrote of the mulatto or biracial person that he is "a degenerate, unnatural offspring, doomed by nature to work out its own destruction" (141)?
(a) Josiah Nott.
(b) Edward Byron Reuter.
(c) Eric Holder.
(d) Charles Carroll.

8. What is the average U.S. life expectancy of a transgender woman of color, according to the author in Chapter 15?
(a) 65.
(b) 55.
(c) 45.
(d) 35.

9. What percentage of Black children born into single-parent homes did Charles Murray claim we had reached in 1994?
(a) 68%.
(b) 76%.
(c) 23%.
(d) 82%.

10. Who said in 2016, "Although black civil rights leaders like to point to a supposedly racist criminal justice system to explain why our prisons house so many black men, it's been obvious for decades that the real culprit is black behavior" (116)?
(a) Eric Holder.
(b) Reverend Jamie Johnson.
(c) Edward Byron Reuter.
(d) Jason Riley.

11. When was Uncle Tom's Cabin published?
(a) 1872.
(b) 1869.
(c) 1859.
(d) 1852.

12. When was Alexander Crummell's American Negro Academy founded?
(a) 1857.
(b) 1919.
(c) 1897.
(d) 1902.

13. When was the founding meeting of the Socialist Party of America?
(a) 1889.
(b) 1856.
(c) 1901.
(d) 1919.

14. When did the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education take place?
(a) 1959.
(b) 1962.
(c) 1954.
(d) 1948.

15. When was the movie Shaft released?
(a) 1962.
(b) 1971.
(c) 1985.
(d) 1969.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did revolutionaries eliminate capitalism in Cuba?

2. Who is the founder of Kwanzaa?

3. Who wrote the book Understanding Everyday Racism?

4. Who argued in 1773, "All the vices which are charged upon the Negroes in the southern colonies and the West-Indies, such as Idleness, Treachery, Theft, and the like, are the genuine offspring of slavery" (117)?

5. What novelist cointed the term "colorism"?

(see the answer keys)

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