House of Sand and Fog Test | Final Test - Medium

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Behrani frighten the people on the street as he runs to the hospital?
(a) He is screaming.
(b) He is running and appears insane.
(c) He is raving.
(d) He is covered with blood.

2. What new crimes has Lester now committed as he locks the Behrani family in the bathroom?
(a) Assault and battery.
(b) Burglary and blackmail.
(c) Extortion and robbery.
(d) Assault with a deadly weapon and false imprisonment.

3. What effect does the ruby in Behrani's ring have on Lester?
(a) He wants to have the ring.
(b) He thinks Behrani will defeat him.
(c) He thinks Behrani is arrogant.
(d) He thinks Behrani is rich.

4. When does Lester believe he has crossed a border with Behrani?
(a) He held a gun to his neck.
(b) He frightened Esmail.
(c) He did not believe Behrani's explanation.
(d) He insulted him.

5. Who does Lester call with the two phone calls he is permitted to make?
(a) Information and the hospital.
(b) His family and the hospital.
(c) Both were information.
(d) Information and the Behrani house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kathy plan to do now that she has parked in the driveway of the house?

2. Why is Kathy unable to speak when she wakes up in the hospital?

3. Why does Kathy think the police will come looking for her now that she has returned to the house?

4. What does Behrani feel for Kathy when he finds her sleeping in the car?

5. What does Behrani promise to do if they are released from the bathroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Lester watches his own image in the elevator doors spread out from the middle, then disappear. How is this symbol a metaphor for his situation?

2. When Lester asks Kathy whether she really wanted to die, what does she answer and why is this answer important?

3. How do his fellow officers feel about Lester after he has been arrested?

4. After Esmail has been shot, the shooting officer looks at Lester. He needs a critical piece of information and Lester doesn't have it, either. What is that piece of information?

5. Why does Lester decide that the Behranis have harmed Kathy when he returns to the house and looks in through the window?

6. Lester becomes suspicious of Esmail. What causes this reaction?

7. When Lester describes his feelings during the drive to the county office, he says it is probably the way felons want to feel all the time. How does he say he feels?

8. Why does Lester feel that his anger, which is leaving him in the Behrani house, is something precious that he needs?

9. Who does Lester want to call from jail and what does he plan to say?

10. Kathy says that she only has one hope now while she's waiting for Lester to return. What does she hope?

(see the answer keys)

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