House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Nadereh hang the photo of Behrani with the shah?
(a) Because the colors blend well with the furniture.
(b) To frighten their visitors.
(c) To intimidate Kathy.
(d) To remind their new relatives that they are important people.

2. Why does Nadereh sometimes go to bed for hours or days?
(a) She is pouting.
(b) She is depressed.
(c) She is homesick.
(d) She suffers from migraines.

3. How much money does the county claim Kathy owes them?
(a) Five thousand dollars.
(b) Fifty thousand dollars.
(c) Fifty dollars.
(d) Five hundred dollars.

4. Why does Behrani believe that his daughter Soraya no longer respects him during her homecoming party?
(a) She tries to impress her in-laws with memories of Iran.
(b) She boasts of her father-in-law's fortune.
(c) She speaks rudely to him.
(d) She ignores him altogether.

5. Who does Nadereh think Kathy is when she first meets her?
(a) A missionary.
(b) The carpenter's girlfriend.
(c) A panhandler.
(d) A visiting neighbor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it about the Orion Room that makes Kathy dizzy?

2. Why does Behrani believe that it is immigrants who excel in the United States?

3. Why does Kathy feel better realizing that Lester is married?

4. To what substances is Kathy addicted?

5. Why does Kathy decide to talk to Nadereh alone?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Esmail advise his father to do after Lester's threatening visit?

2. In the first meeting between Behrani and Kathy, what does he advise her to do?

3. When Behrani visualizes their happy future in America, his imagination goes beyond reality. What does he visualize that will never be possible?

4. What happens to Behrani's cousin Jasmeen, and why is he unable to forget it?

5. What happens to Kathy's Enemy Voice the last time she spends time with a married man?

6. Why does Behrani ask Kathy if she thinks he is stupid?

7. Why does Kathy feel superior to the everyday people she sees on the street?

8. Why do you think Behrani has not been able to find work in the aerospace industry in spite of all his qualifications?

9. What do you make of the fact that Kathy counts and itemizes all the kinds of alcohol in her client's house?

10. What do you make of Kathy's stealing the clothing and makeup she wears to visit Nadereh?

(see the answer keys)

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