House of Sand and Fog Test | Final Test - Easy

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lester feel when his photo is taken in jail?
(a) That this photo represents his real self.
(b) That he has been misunderstood.
(c) That he has been incorrectly charged.
(d) That this photo is nothing like him.

2. What worries Behrani most about Lester's behavior as he breaks into their house?
(a) He must know that Behrani reported him to Alvarez.
(b) He obviously hates them.
(c) He is obviously confused.
(d) He seems drunk.

3. How does Behrani say he feels about his menial job on bad days?
(a) That he hoped it would soon be over.
(b) That he was grateful to learn how others live.
(c) That he was being punished for his comfortable life among beggars.
(d) That he was glad to make friends from many cultures.

4. Why does Lester believe he will have to tell Alvarez the truth?
(a) So Alvarez won't visit the Behranis.
(b) Because Alvarez can tell when he's lying.
(c) Because the truth won't cause anyone harm.
(d) Because Alvarez already knows what's happened.

5. What does Lester think Esmail is trying to do when he sees the window is open?
(a) Leave through the window.
(b) Jump on Lester.
(c) Close the blinds.
(d) Run for the door.

6. What does the deputy guarding Kathy tell her is likely to happen to Lester?
(a) "They'll see that his sentence is light."
(b) "They'll rally around him."
(c) "They'll see that his sentence is suspended."
(d) "They'll throw him to the hounds."

7. What effect does the ruby in Behrani's ring have on Lester?
(a) He thinks Behrani is arrogant.
(b) He thinks Behrani is rich.
(c) He wants to have the ring.
(d) He thinks Behrani will defeat him.

8. What does Lester call the Whore Twenty-Four?
(a) His wife.
(b) The policeman's sense of always being on duty.
(c) Kathy.
(d) His car.

9. Why does Lester think the Behranis have hurt Kathy as he watches through the window?
(a) She is in an ambulance.
(b) She is screaming for help.
(c) She is barely conscious on the bed.
(d) She is unconscious on the floor.

10. Of whom does Kathy remind Behrani?
(a) His mother.
(b) His daughter Soraya.
(c) His wife.
(d) His cousin Jasmeen.

11. How does Kathy first try to kill herself?
(a) With Lester's gun.
(b) With Esmail's sword.
(c) With Behrani's iron.
(d) With Nadereh's pills.

12. Why doesn't Behrani attempt to explain events to Lester while he seems weak?
(a) Behrani is confused himself.
(b) Behrani plans to kill Lester with the wrecking bar.
(c) Behrani is too angry.
(d) Behrani believes that it is the weak who are truly dangerous.

13. When Esmail learns that Kathy has tried to commit suicide, what is his response?
(a) We should call the police.
(b) We should have moved.
(c) We should call an ambulance.
(d) We should have kept her with us.

14. When does Lester believe he has crossed a border with Behrani?
(a) He did not believe Behrani's explanation.
(b) He insulted him.
(c) He frightened Esmail.
(d) He held a gun to his neck.

15. What new crimes has Lester now committed as he locks the Behrani family in the bathroom?
(a) Burglary and blackmail.
(b) Assault with a deadly weapon and false imprisonment.
(c) Extortion and robbery.
(d) Assault and battery.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Behrani feel for Kathy when he finds her sleeping in the car?

2. Why are they moving Kathy to another hospital?

3. What order of Lester's does Behrani refuse to obey when they park in the county parking garage?

4. How does Behrani feel when he has put Kathy to bed?

5. How does Lester know that Kathy doesn't need to go to the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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